2/4/19 - Emma Letter to Family

Mari yes lets trade climates for a day. Im tired of feeling drops if sweat run down my back every where i go. Kkkkkk
Hyrum when will your show perform? Also, in all these pictures you're so talll WOOOOAAAAHHGG
Dad, yes i get Kade's emails. My comp and i had a good laugh about his story. Sadly this week Jackaline's mom came out and gave us an earful and even though Jackaline is 18, we arebt able to teach her because her mom wont let us in. It was pouring rain and we were soaked and she wouldnt let us in. Jackaline is so special and im confident missionaries in the future will find her in our area book and baptize her.
The snow pictures are nuts! Everyone always asks me if it snows where i live. I downloaded these pictures onto my snazzy new android to show them. I have so many cool stories to share but in the past my email time hasnt allowed me to fully share them as i would like to. Now that i can write drafts ahead of time i can do as the missionary manuel says and fully share the spiritual experiences im having.
Its cool to hear youre hearing from my mission friends. Riverton is in a good central spot for most utahns so ive offered to host a bonfire with all the mission crew in the future. As you told me about how the charming charlies lady just moved here i felt prompted by the spirit to invite her to the next church activity to help her get to know more people in the community and open the widow for a church visit. Ive seen many people say "ah i was looking for a church to go to when i moved here" and thats when the lord puts a member or a missionary in their path. "Have you ever heard of the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints? Have you ever visited this church? I'd like to invite you to come make a visit with me. I know this church is different from all others because its the exact church Christ organized when he was here on the Earth. When ever i go to church im able to feel his love for me in abundance. Our meetings are this hour at this address. What do you think about coming with me this sunday?" Just an example :) If she accepts dont forget to call the missionaries and tell them youre bringing a friend to church so they can introduce their selves and mark a visit.
Every house in brasil has the laundry room attached to the kitchen which i think is kida gross but tudo bem brasil. They have these sinks with built jn washboads. Anyway, most brasillians wash their hair here sometimes because the water is cold and its healthier.haha!
Great news apperance! Muito chique.
Amo vocês queridos!
Side note: Bernardo's dad promised her and her sister he would provide them with an opportunity to visit the US since they speak English. I invited her and her sister (Eve's age) to come visit us and when she told her dad that, he said to plan it all and just go because the money is there in an account he created for this purpose a long time ago. Anyway, we're planning a cool trip visiting all the church sites, the cabin, and a road trip to disneyland/Harry Potter world. I want to take all my sisters too if they want to come. Girls trip!
The soccer Jersey Bernardo gave me from her favorite team, she also printed some of sleeping bus pictures and wrote the date and where it happened on the back. Priceless.

Panetone with the temple president
Some elders singing me happy birthday
i was overjoyed to get a scrunchie


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