11/26/18 - It's a Thanksgiving Miracle!

I'm learning São Paulo has two seasons, hot and rainy and cold and rainy. Also we had mission rules changed and now I only have one hour to email every week so I'm going to make this as quick as I can.

The members here are awesome and Doris made me mini Thanksgiving dinner this week! It was only missing cranberry sauce and stuffing. We also had a Multi Zona in the capital on Thanksgiving so all us Americans celebrated with our typical beans, rice, meat and salad. Top da galaxia!

So BIG NEWS! Our mission is one of 2 missions in the world that have been selected for a new referral project. The church has bough one of the top google spots so anytime any time anyone searches anyting about Christ here in our boundries the mormon.org page comes up and they can request a Livro de Mormon or a DVD. WE'RE NOT FINDING THE ELECT, THEY'RE FINDING US! We're getting smart phones to test this and compare the results with Rio de Janeiro Sul who will be doing the same thing without smart phones. This is expected to triple our baptisms. SO COOL! This will change missionary work in Brasil.

LETCIA WAS BAPTIZED! It was amazing and I love her so much! I  Paz em Cristo at her baptism and a less active that came with us approaced me after and thanked me for singing. He said it "cut through his heart and hit his soul and filled him with everything he needed" I was so happy I could be apart of helping him feel the spírit like that. Music has power gente.

I taught Relief Socitey yesterday and it was all about how to better teaching children in the home. I'm a missionary. I don't have kids. It was hard and kinda funny but we got through it and those Irmãs taught me a lot haha!

Food for thought: In 1 Nefi 16 Nefi talks about how he broke his bow and the Lord helped him know how he could build another one and get food for his fam. Think about the knowledge he'd need for that. Stuff with wood and metal, basic physics etc. Later in chapter 17 The Lord calls him to build a ship. How in the world could he build a ship if he didn't have a least a little knowledge about wood working, black smithing and whatever else? I think it's awesome how usually in hard times the Lord is preparing us to be useful to Him in someway we usually don't understand in the future. Just think about that the next time you're passing through a tough patch. YOUR FATHER IN HEAVER HAS A PLAN! JUST ROLL WITH IT!

I took so many awesome pictures this week but this computer won't accept my memory card! UGH! Major bummer. Also, I dyed my hair.... suprise mom (again) haha!

Beijos amigos,
Sister Barbie (now looking more like Sister Elsa kkkkk) ;)


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