1/21/19 - Emma Letter to Family

Mari I'm so glad you can feel the blessings! Mom, claudia and her family are planning to save money and come visit us summer of 2020. i hope it all works out! Mom I'm so gflad you had another break through. hearing about blessing like this makes all the hard days here worth it. So heres the thing about school, I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE I WANT TO GO OR WHAT TO STUDY! I had everything so perfectly planned out before i left and Heavenly FAther is now guiding mr in a differnet directon and its scary. i'm feeling i need to ditch the idea of engeering and go for somehting in the writing field.. I have no  clue what my options are. I've been thinking a lot lately about BYU, my goal but not sure I have the grades sadly, or Utah State. UGH I dont want to think about real life right now. Matt was my first Zone Leader, he's a cool guy. I LOVE SISTER BODAINE! I miss that girl.
kkkkk.... this is the first youve asked about my release date.... I think its funny. My date is sept 24 but that could change by a week or 2 depending you're welcome to call the mision office to get more detailed info. I NEED THAT SHOULDER RUB! haha thank you! Seriously, my back pain in ridiculus. Also, my medication has given me weird side effecgfts where Im super sad and upset all the time. The mark from the US didnt do that. Also its about 30 dollars a month here and i rememebr it being less expensiv3e ni the us. ANy ideas? I hopoe I get ot go to the temple soon. I miss that place
Dad the sports stuff sounds cool
Ive been struglling this week. its the same thing everyday and I just want a break to listen to my spotify and watch a movie for one day. dont get me wrong I lvoe serving but im tired. im praying toget excited aagin. So isster bernardo has been going to a phycologist for a while and she told her about me and now Im going to start going to the phycologist too this week. It will be intersting. They say I stress to much and blame my self more than i should. Well be getting out phones this week so if you send me an email during the week i can read it the same day, i just canty respond... thats cool. Also I am the only missionary from my CTM group that is not training or in a leadership position. I know it shouldnt mean anything but ive been upset about it. I dont know if it was MDTs fault but I realized i unconsiciously make everthing into a competiion, I dont know why. I m praying for help.
So with Brennan. Tudo bem. That night Sister Bernardo and i had fun. I only brought 2 pictures of us on the mission but Brennan sent me a bunch in a letter in mty first area. I ripend them all in between us, wrote everything that ever bugged me about him on them....... and then I burned them. I had a taylor swift moment and it was fun. hahaha! Jsut to but a big fat period on the situation. Anyway, Lvoe you all!
macumba - chicken blood, tapioca, farinha, a cigar,liquor and 5 reais]
2- Im sweationg bucket here
3 0 4 burn baby burn


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