12/2/18 - Family Letter to Emma

Eve's new video  #lighttheworld

Hi Emma
Hope your having fun in Brazil .
So You know about The Candland’s Right?
We had dinner with them last Sunday  they have a  girl my age I think me and her are  going  to be good friends !!!!!
Any way  it snowed here Dad and me 
Made a snowman and dad made a snow jump!!!!It was really fun!!!! I made an igloo !!!    Any way Love you And miss you 
Have a great week


Greetings from the Winter Watchers!
(That doesn't mean anything, it just sounded cool.)
Not much has changed with me, but Johnny Butterfield
said hello to me for the first time in four years!
That was pretty cool. we've been selling all
this weird stuff for Oquirrh Fest, and it reminded me of you.
I also spent 2 consecutive hours on one poster for the
Smash Bros. tournament. It was an 8-bit Mario
wreathed in flames. How is the Warm Winter?
I'm always very curious as to what that would be like.
Love from



Congrats on Letcia getting baptized.  It is rewarding to be on the baptism side of the process occasionally.  It will be exciting to see how the Google searches and cellphones make a difference.  We are very interested to hear how it goes.  We have been praying for you and your new companion to become good friends very quickly.  How likely is it that she and you will be companions at Christmas time?  Why do you feel you need to break things off with Brennan?  He contacted your Mom about sending you a package.  He is likely too late to get it to you.  If you need assistance we might be able to give you ideas.  We are glad you got the Thanksgiving package in time.  Did this come with the ransom note before you get the package?  We just heard about the attack at the LDS chapel in Goiânia.  It looks like it is a long ways from your mission.  Is that correct?

Adam and Blakley had their baby this past week.  They had to take the baby early.  Grayson Adam Lever.  He looks healthy and seem like a cool kid immediately.  Your Aunt Christie told use we could not go see him the day he was born but needed to wait until day 2.  They were at the hospital in Provo.  We got the family together and made trip on Wednesday night.  It was raining and hard to see but we made it to the hospital.  Once we got to the hospital we discovered that we were required to have a code to get in and see the baby.  I called Adam and he let us know that she had the option to check out so they did.  They were at her mom's house in South Jordan.  Christie had not bothered to tell the family she was not at the hospital any more.  We went and got some ice cream from the BYU Creamery and attempted to trip back home.  It was weird in that Christie never acknowledged our attempt to see Grayson and made me feel like we were not bright enough to call and see if they were still at the hospital or not.  Keith said he was sorry but almost mentioned why we didn't call first.  I was going off the last instructions I had for the time we go and the location they were at.  Oh well.  We still have not seen the baby.  I'm sure we will at some point.

We went to support The Elementary Orchestra at the Festival of Trees.  They did a great job but I have reaffirmed that that place is not meant for me.  They had some amazing quilts.  The kids sounded good and Mari did great.  Your Mom was picturesque on stage as usual.   We went to a BYU Luau on Friday night.  We took Grandma and Grandpa with us.  It was still raining as it was Wednesday and Thursday.  We went to a wedding reception in Lehi on Thursday.  We listened to the Hawaii playlist we made when we went to Hawaii.  It was funny to listen to the playlist while it was almost snowing.  They fed us a simple plate dinner of kalua pork, chicken, rice and mac salad.  We then went to the entertainment portion.  They had a presentation from different Polynesian regions.  It was full of dancing and singing.  It felt like a rowdy PCC experience.  They kept having family members run up on the stage and attempt to stuff money into the clothing of the performers.  Eventually we saw a group of girls run up and attempt give money to one of the men performers.  They were all baby oiled up so the money stuck to them.  It was a good time and I'm glad your Mom arranged for us to go.  We had been hoping to go for many years and it finally worked out. 

Light the World started yesterday and we were asked to an act of service.  We cleaned Grandma Shea's house.  She wants to stay in her home as long as possible.  Her home has not been cleaned for quite sometime and it was in desperate need of a cleaning.  Your Mom is arranging for a cleaning service full time.  We had the Schmidt Christmas party tonight.  Grandma Charlene is different after Dean has passed.  It is hard to explain but she is really trying to create new traditions and bond the family.  She kept calling her house "our house".  It will be interesting to see how thing develop by the time you get home. 

I'm excited for you to have a missionary Christmas experience.  It will be different.  Try not to get trunky.  I remember my experiences like they were yesterday.  Keep working hard and doing what you know needs to be done.  I'm proud of you.



D&D 38:27

Sweet Emma,
We love getting your letters.  Thank you for writing us so consistently!  It's too bad that you don't have as much time to write as before, but I'm proud of you for being obedient.  Obedience brings blessings.  Exact obedience brings miracles.  With your limited time writing, please know that you don't have to write back to every person who writes to you (an occasional personal letter to your friends is just fine).  Your friends will understand if you don't respond to them each time they write to you.  They know you are busy.  I know you will let the Spirit be your guide. 

I sure like your new hair.  It looks so cute on you!  I never knew a missionary could look so exotic!  Brazil is rubbing off on you I think!   You inspired Eve to ask for new hair for Christmas.  She has an appointment with Shanel for some color.  She is trying to decide between going darker or just a few highlights/lowlights.  Speaking of hair...Emily Burton came to church today with silver hair.  She tried to dye it purple for SilverRush that starts this week.  She didn't leave it in long enough.  She makes a cute old lady😁  She said it should wash out soon.  Question for you:  Do you need a new Straightener?  At one time you mentioned that you might want to give your Straightener to your companion (Sister Ribiero).  Did you end up giving it to her?  I would imagine it is difficult to keep straight hair in a humid climate.  When we were in Hawaii, I never bothered with a Straightener. 

I haven't made it to the bank to check on your passwords etc.  I will do that this week.  So sorry.  I hope everything has been okay with that. 

I would love to hear about some of the ways Brazilians celebrate Christmas.  Do they have a special type of Nativity set?  Some of the pictures I've seen show beautiful Christmas Trees and Stockings hung at the Fireplace.  Are there other similarities?  Are there any traditions you hope to teach us?

About Brennan.  Why do you feel like you need to break it off with him?  We support you in whatever you decide, I'm just curious.  Have you met any other nice guys from your mission?  I know your heart is locked as a missionary, but you can still have friends. 

Grandma Charlene's Christmas party was fun tonight.  She decided to do something silly so she had us all stand in a circle and put our arms around each other and sing "You've got a friend in me" from Toy Story.  It was so weird it was actually fun.  Cousin Tanner still loves "hanger" and brought it with him to the party.  He has designated himself as the party planner and suggested that, "for Easter we should hunt for eggs",  "we should go to the park...but we should do that in the summer"  we should have a "school back party" (we tried to correct him and tell him that it is called "back-to-school" but he said, "No!  It's school-back!".  He is adorable! 

Adam and Blaikly's baby, Grayson is adorable! (At least from the pics)  Hyrum is the only one who has held him.  Ryan and Melissa also announced that they are expecting a baby this Spring!  Keith and Christie make cute grandparents!  They are loving it.  Also, I think Rachel is close to getting engaged to Conner.  She posts mushy stuff all the time with him.  I wish her happiness.  Lincoln seems to be finding his way.  No news with him.  Ethan and Erik haven't been to many family activities so I don't know what they're up to. 

Orchestra concert stuff is happening this week.  We will have our Southland Concert and field trip to Gardener Village to hunt for Elves.  I wonder if it will be snowy.  It's beautiful but freeeeeezing!

Today I fasted for you...I actually think we all did.  We love you so much.  We are here cheering you on.  We know you are a fantastic missionary.  This time has been going so fast!  We miss you but I can't help but smile when I think of you with that black name tag and your bright smile.  You are SENSATIONAL.  Keep up the good work.  Don't get discouraged.  You are doing more good than you'll ever know!  Appreciate everything...the good and the bad.  He is mindful of you.  Enjoy your Brazilian Christmas season.  💕

Sending big hugs!


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