11/18/18 - Family Letter to Emma

Hi Emma was up ,
life is good here.
So mom and me made awesome pillow cases,  there is a bee one that is my favorite!!!
I LOVE LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
School is school .
 I just remembered how much I love PHO.
 have a good week
Being Samuel is so much fun!
I get to sing solo in the first song, and I'm
probably the smartest pirate in existence!
I also had a game night at John's, and we played
a game called Specter Ops. It was like Scotland yard,
 but way more complicated. I beat every body as the bad guy!
It was so cool. How are you doing? Have you caught any Chameleons?
Love you!


Sweet Emma,
Thanks for answering my "mom questions".  You have always been good at managing yourself, ever since you were tiny...so I don't worry too much about those kinds of things with you.  I do like to hear updates on those things every once in awhile.  Just to check in.  I'm glad you understand 😊   That's cool that a member will be visiting St George (or St Geezy as the Chandlers would say!)  To mail a 3 lb package it will be betweem $7-$13  (we can pay for it, or put money in your account, whatever is easier).  I will check on your bank account this week to see if anything is amiss.  We will try to take care of what we can from here.  Also, just to let you know, we sent Sister Blanco's Christmas package, and one of your Christmas packages through USPostal Service.  If it costs money to get them out of customs, we will pay for both packages.  I'm not sure how to find out if Sister Blanco's package is stuck in customs, but if you hear anything, please pay for it and we will send you money for both.  Does that even make sense?  We hope you like your surprises! One thing, I wanted to send you some of Grandma Barlow's caramels, but her kitchen is still under construction and she hasn't been able to cook anything.  Too bad.

Dad and I just applied for our passports last week, just so we have options.  Kind of fun to think of visiting places all over the world.  We'll have to see how things work out with Brazil or some other fun place.

I'm sure proud of you for making things workout with your companion.  You will never regret being a little too kind!  I'm glad you are developing these skills because they will serve you well your entire life, at home, at work, at school, at church.  When talking to Delle this week, she mentioned how each of her kids were on their missions, they each had companions who had problems with obedience.  I think it's pretty common (although it shouldn't be).   There is always different levels of understanding and application but it's up to those who know better to do better with love.  I'm always thankful for the 'handbook' when it comes to rules etc. The handbook is essential as we teach the Wards in our Stake correct principles.  The rules are inspired.  Mission rules are the same way...inspired.

I have been reading in Alma 17-27.  As I read about the missionary labors of Alma the Younger, Ammon and the Son's of Mosiah, I am reminded of the blessing of peace I received just before you opened your mission call.  Just like Mosiah was promised that his son's would be protected as they preached among the Lamanites, I was promised that you would be protected too.  This gives me great comfort to know that as you are obedient and focused, aware of your circumstances, and following the spirit, you too will be protected.  It is also interesting to read about some of the trials (and success) that those missionaries had.  I'm so thankful that we have scriptures that testify of Jesus Christ and the good news of His gospel. 

I'm sure enjoying all the ukulele videos your friends are sending.   I'm glad you can use your great talents and beautiful voice. 

Family updates:
We had Grandma Charlene and siblings over for our Thanksgiving Dinner tonight.  Dad's smoked turkey turned out great.  He keeps getting better and better.  Schery made about 8 different desserts.  It was incredible! The cousins all had fun playing.  Anthony and Lisa are getting ready to take a trip to Hawaii.  We were talking about their trip when Grandma Shea (who is getting more and more confused) asked what island you were serving on. Dad (being Dad) said, "She's serving on the island of South America".   No matter how we explained that Brazil was part of a continent, she said "I know that".  Then a few minutes later... "now what island is Brazil on?" Dad told her that Brazil is not an island.  Grandma then said "well, what is it than?" . . .   I guess Brazil is part of a very large island called South America. 

Hyrum has been having fun with his musical.  He comes home happy every day.  After his first rehearsal, Ms. DeJesus told him, "Hyrum, you make this look easy!"  I think she likes him!  She told him that she wanted to cast him as the lead but thought it should go to a 9th grader.  She put him as "Samuel" but he is the understudy for the lead. 

Eve, Mari and I had an opportunity to be in a music Sarah Arnesen did for #light the world.  Eve was the main character (no cello this time).  Mari was the little sister, and I was the mom.  We will send you the video when it comes out.  It was actually a lot of fun to act as "mom".  I feel it was a great privilege for all of us to get to participate.  I find it very interesting that He has blessed us with all these opportunities as a way to share our testimony, even though we have done nothing to promote ourselves as 'you-tubers'.  I KNOW that He is aware of us, and places us in situations to meet certain people that we wouldn't meet otherwise.  I'm thinking back to the amazing opportunity I had to do the Celebration Orchestra and all the special people I met through that.  I did NOTHING to promote myself...yet HE promoted me.  I feel that this was similar, He wanted us to be a part of this video...and meet some of these people, and share our testimony through participation.  What a blessing.

I know He is aware of you too.  He loves you and will help you meet special people.  You have a great work to do.  I will keep praying for you and sending you a hug every day!



Props on learning stress management and patience.  These are skills that hopefully will stay with you your whole life.  You will likely continue to have companions or members that will challenge you a bit.  Stay true to what you know is required of you to do the work the right way.  Obedience, faith, and work ethic is everything.  You have been promised that the Lord will do His part if you do yours.  I have been loading these letter into the blog you created before you left.  I'm loading in the pictures you send along with the letters.  I'm also downloading all the pictures on the cloud from your camera.  We don't have any pictures since Sept 25th (other than the pics you send)?  Are you having any problems with your camera? 

Life around here keeps happening.  I was prepared to take a day off to take the Middle School to the High school play like I normally do.  Mr. Perkins did not take his kids to the play this year.  He is instead taking them to see the Nutcracker.  Hyrum was planning on going but he is giving the 9th priority.  Eve went to the play, In The Heights, and discovered why it might not be appropriate for the Middle Schoolers.  There was some cursing and skimpy clothing.  Lin-Manual was quoted in the program that he is excited when kids of color do the play as he hopes it gives them pride.  He is excited when white kids perform it because they have to learn the culture of Puerto Ricans and Hispanics in NY in order to portray it properly.  He also begged that they don't brown their skin in an attempt to make the play authentic.  This did not stop the kids from spraying tanning themselves.  I get concerned that the tanning could be offensive to some.  We didn't go see the play as a family.  Mari was a little disappointed but understood when we discussed the subject matter.  We will still support the Broadway Review and hope for a better offering.

This weekend was eventful.  Hyrum participated in the Oquirrh Fest assembly.  They are supporting a group that funnels money into Blood Cancer research.  I worked from home that day so I was able to attend.  They sent someone to share a bunch of facts and figures with the kids that bored me to tears.  I wonder what impact it had on the kids.  They brought on a young man who had Leukemia to share his story which was helpful.  On Friday Hyrum and I went to John's to play some board games.  We are likely going to have a few new games by the time you get home.  These are different games then we have had before.  They are more strategy games.  Hyrum loves them.  We played games while Eve had her "Friendsgiving" dinner and Mom and Mari made Mari some seasonal pillows.  Mari has been wanting to decorate her rooms for the seasons.  They found some Fall decorations on clearance and Mari picked some up.  On Saturday Eve, Mom, and Mari to a music video shoot that someone has for the #Lighttheworld campaign the church has around Christmas.  Eve was the focus of the video and Mom and Mari played supporting roles.  It took most of the day.  we were planning on going to the BYU game that night.  It was raining most of the day and it was expected to be 35 degrees at the start of the game.  I did not have the heart to take the girls out so we stayed home, bought some pho and were planning on watching the game at home.  We borrowed one of the strategy games from John and decided to see if the family would like to own it.  Hyrum was very excited.  He attempted to help the girls in the game by doing things for them and almost taking their turn.  Eve, as you know, does not like to have anything done for her and smacked Hyrum's hand quite hard.  This eventually became a bit of a brawl between Hyrum and Eve.    They wrestled and cheapshoted each other for a while and worked out their differences.  I think we will be purchasing this game and others like them.  We had a Thanksgiving Dinner with your Mom's side of the family.  Everyone came and seemed to have a good time.  We smoked a turkey and it turned out great.  Schery made about 8 desserts and we ate ourselves silly.  We have had 2 positive family parties 2 months in a row.  Your Mom is very encouraged.

Keep working hard and doing your best.  It will be enough. 

Love ya kid


1 Samuel 16:7


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