11/25/18 - Family Letter to Emma

Hi Emma,
We watched  the BYU game we did really good the first half.
but then Utah caught up and won.😑😒😞
BUT that's OK were breathing were alive
LIFE IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!
love Mari

Was-a' Emma!
BYU's game went wrong as soon as I fell asleep.
Black Friday is the stupidest day on the American calendar.
I'm taking care of Alexander's rats.
That's my week. How was yours? Love you.



Good looking out for Blanco’s package.  Let us know if it requires a ransom to be paid.  I’m interested to hear how your Purification Fast went.  Remember who you are. You have no need for low self esteem.  You are Sister Emma Marie Barlow. You can handle whatever comes your way.  I think I told you this but when Mari starts missing you we watch Parks and Rec.  She agrees that you and Leslie Knope have a few things in common. If you have a problem just Knope it.  You do not have time to feel sorry for yourself. Crush anything is your path with as much finesse and spiritual reverence that is required.  You have got this!

Sisters Conference sounds awesome.  Your Mission President might be right.  I have always thought that a rough companion can get your prepared for conflict resolution with a spouse.  Do your best. Remember that you must always love your companion.

We had the normal lead up to the Holiday season.  We had Mom’s family last Sunday and it went well. This year we celebrated Thanksgiving at the Lever’s.  Mom ans Dad’s kitchen is still under construction. We sat in a “L” shaped table. The food was awesome as usual but is was different.  We did not have too many places to hang out. The basement is under construction so Jennie and Alex and live down there. We did not normal things.  Bingo was way too loud. Gingerbread house decorating was messy. We went an saw a few movies this week. We saw the new Harry Potter show and Wreck-It-Ralph 2.  They are both easy to catch up on when you get home. We played a new game we are considering to purchase for Christmas. You might have played it before you left.  It’s call Betrayal at House on the Hill. It is a strategy game. Hyrum and I played it and john’s a few times. The girls were taking some time to pick up the game which lead to Hyrum moving there pieces around the board.  This lead to Eve smacking Hyrum’s hand. We were reminded that we might have some very competitive kids in the home. This evolved into a brawl in front of the TV. With Hyrum and Eve getting really physical and Mari trying to put herself in the middle of it.  We played it a second time but Eve decided to do some homework. We still needed to have a talk with Hyrum and how aggressive he is in these games. He is very intellectual and sometimes struggles to be patient while other attempt to catch up.

The BYU v Utah game was last night.  BYU went up by 20 points and then the main running back got hurt.  They have 4 Running Backs hurt so we had nobody else to play.  The Utes came back in the last few minutes to win.  Everyone watched it but Hyrum.  Mari watched it until midnight.  I'm very tired and struggling today.  Your Mom was very into the game.  She said she was hoping we could all run outside and bang on pans to celebrate.  The last time BYU beat Utah you were 11 years old.  Poor Eve has to face her friends at school tomorrow.  We gave her a few things we hope will deescalate her friends a bit.  Another good reason to be out of the country. 

Keep up the good work.  Keep working hard.  Do what you know to be right.  Love is the answer to most of the challenges you face.

Love ya kid


Alma 5: 6-7

Sweet Emma,
We are finally able to see you downloaded pictures.  YOU LOOK GREAT!  I commented to the family that a mission looks so fun.  Dad commented that it IS fun but really hard too.  Thanks for being such a good example to your siblings (and to me!)  I think each of them want to serve a mission too.  The Sister's Conference sounds awesome!  How fun that they talked about girlie things like hair, makeup etc in addition to Missionary work.  Sounds like you have really good mission parents.  I'm so glad!  Speaking of pictures...I love the music skirt you found.  I'm also glad you got your Thanksgiving package.  We put money in your account to cover the ransom.

I will work on getting a password on your bank account this week.  If it's a numeric password:  0614.  If it's a word:  Dadsgirl1     If you already have a password, I'll leave the password as it is and ask the bank about why it doesn't always ask for it.    I hope that works for you.  I will send you an email as soon as I find out more.  You might want to get some cash  just in case I have to set up a new password and you don't get the message right away. 

Very cool about being prepared with a talk, "just in case"!  You can tell that you are in tune with the Spirit when you get messages like that and follow through.  I believe that sometimes we get messages to test us to see if we are listening/will act on them, and other times it is for a specific purpose.  Either way, if it is inline with the commandments, we don't have to worry, we just do it! 

I'm sorry you've been feeling down on yourself.  I hope you're feeling better now.  A few things I've learned about down times like that (because everyone gets them sometimes):  When we feel down it's usually because:
  1.  Satan is trying to get to us because we have something important to learn/do
  2. We need to apply the Atonement of Jesus Christ to make our weak things become strong. He will make up whatever we lack.
The time I felt the most self-doubt in my entire life was the night before the Jordan River Temple Celebration.  Satan came in and darkened my mind with terrible thoughts and insecurities.  It was awful!  (I can only imagine how Joseph Smith felt when he went to the woods to pray and felt overcome with darkness....just before the light). Hang in there.  You are doing better than you think! "Tattle to the Lord".  He will understand and help you feel that He loves you.   I'm so proud of you! 

It's been a good Thanksgiving week.  1st world problem:  I'm sick of turkey, mashed potatoes/gravy...  😩  but never sick of Cranberries!

Really not much to report with the family.  Everyone is doing well.  The house is now decorated beautifully for Christmas.  I'll send pics.  We hope to print new pics for our "Family His-Tree" Christmas Tree. 

Dad is feeling the pressure of all his callings.  They still haven't been able to find anyone to accept the Stake YM's sports calling.  They thought they found someone and were about to sustain him, but that guy changed his mind and said "No" right before they could announce it. Basketball season is about to start so even though they've released him (just not over the pulpit) he still has to keep the program running. Dad's collected rosters and is starting to form teams....in addition to doing his Elder's Quorum assignments, his Primary calling, and helping me on the Trek Committee. Please pray for him.  He's a Barlow so he'll just keep doing whatever is asked of him.  What a guy! 

This week starts combined Orchestra.  We are playing at the Festival of Trees on Thursday.  Concert season begins.  I'm trying to get the word out that next year will be my last year of teaching Orchestra.  I hope they will find a new teacher by then. 

We also got our first snow yesterday...great big flakes! Eve has been busy diligently doing homework in addition to trying to keep up on President Nelson's challenge to read the Book of Mormon by the end of the year.  Hyrum is still reading like crazy.  He also has learned some new songs on the piano...popular songs that he sings to.  Mari has been so diligent in studying the scriptures.  She is really growing up! 

I love you so much!  Keep up the good work.  You are AWESOME!


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