5/28/18 - Emma Letter to Family

Ola! Hope your week was awesome! I'm going to read your email as soon as I finish responding to everyone. I want to have time to read it without rushing. :) 
Just a few points:
- Everyone that sees our fam picture thinks mom is my sister because you look so young.
- When is Father's Day? Here its in September so I'm a little clueless. When is American Father's day?
- I have a member here who requests our families Donut recipie. Will you please send it and I'll translate it for her? Also, my comp wants a brownie recipe. Here they don't have mixes. Thank you so much!
- Dad, I tried some more BBQ this week. On every street there is usually a vendor grilling fresh meat kabobs. For 3 reals or 1 USD they hand you a juicy, flavorful stick of meat as if its cotton candy at a county fair. You would love it!
- We use the same portable DVD players I grew up with to teach investigators. When my comp cant get it to work I sure can because I'm familiar with it. Too funny!
- Dad, thanks for the scripture. I love it when you send scriptures!
- We may or may not have a baptism this week. Ricardo is progressing but he has a lot of influence from his family that is making him doubt. I'm struggling to teach the principles of baptism simply. I know you did a great job teaching the CTR 8 class about it. Would you mind please sending me an outline of how to teach about baptism like you taught those kids? 
- Also, if you have aminute and can find pictures from, my baptism and can send them to me that would be great. It would be nice to have an example and a personal expearience to share. 

I'm sorry for all my crazy requests each week. You are awesome and I appreciate all you do!

Another thing I need advice about: This mission is so focused on baptisms and the numbers. I love that we have a goal, but this ward has a really hard time with retention. I dont want to baptize people just to have them become inactive. What counsel do you have? 

All my love,

Sister Barlow


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