5/14/18 - Emma Letter to Family

Hyrum, Parabiens! Keep on holing umbrells and serving others. Selfless service is very attractive and will up your game even more.

Mari- My duo lingo login is emm5789@gmail.com and either dadsgirl or Snoozerlug.6 have fun! Im so happy you have a new friend! Mission Blressings! Im proud of you for being so supportive of the temple dedication. I know that must be hard for you. I wish I could be there for your private recital! Thats amazing you get to do that! Keep up the good attitude! I know its appreciated by many!

Will you please send me the pictures we took on Mothers day? Im trying to figure out how to send pictures here, we'll see if I can figure it out. Im sorry my investment is such a hassel. Were you able to get it worked out? Thanks for the package! I will pray that it will reach me. Next week I will email you a list of item requests if thats ok.  Im sorry I talked so much yesterday, I really want to know how youre doing. I am grateful we get to email weekly, youre right. It makes us not seem so far apart. Check my mission facebook page Brasil SAo Paluo NOrte, i think they posted pics and videos from when I first met the president. last week. 

Mom- I was going to tell you yesterday as apart of your mothers day, but thank you for always being an example of living your testimony. I look us to you so much and have felt your prayers and hugs. Your testimony has stregnthened mine throughout my life and contintues to on on my mission. I love you! Happy mothers day! 

Thank you for the advice and encouragement! It means so much! I know the struggle will be worth it. The pictures from the temple walk look great! Looks like a party! I'm excited to hear how the temple celebration plays out. I'll be praying for you! 

I love you all so much and I appreciate your prayers and encouragement. Eu Amo Voces!

Sister Emma Barlow


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