9/2/19 - Mom Letter to Emma

Sweet Emma,
I'm so glad you got to hear President Nelson on Sunday!   They showed part of the devotional on the news last night.  I think we saw President and Sister Ribeiro because they were sitting near the front row.  They showed the part of waving the white hankies (I think that's what you were all doing).  Also, I saw your story on Facebook.  What an amazing time to be a missionary!  We are so proud of you...and we are so excited to see you again!  Dad mentioned that on his mission, the last month was when he got  'trunkie'.  I'm glad you have so many things to keep you busy and enjoying your time.  Many of your friends who have returned home have been posting about how they miss being on a mission.  In one of our last Stake YW meetings, President Steed told us how with all his callings he is so focused on doing his duty that he doesn't take the time to look around and enjoy what's happening.  He counseled us to "Enjoy every minute".  I echo that wisdom.

We spent the weekend at the cabin for Hyrum's birthday.  The next time we go to the cabin, you will be with us! I think Dad told you, but the fireplace at the cabin is under repair.  The weight of the fireplace, mixed with the avalanches that happen during the winter have caused it to sink/shift.  It is leaning into one of the walls while separating from the other wall.  Grandpa hired an engineer to try to fix it.  The engineer poured more concrete around the base, then propped it up with boards.  I'm not sure what else he will be doing but he said he will do his best but can't guarantee his work.  If this doesn't fix the problem, we might have to tear it down and rebuild the fireplace.  We are hoping for the best.

We got a new kitchen table/chairs.  I bought it at Gardener Village.  It should come Thursday!  When all the leaves are used, it can fit up to 12 people!  The smallest it goes is to fit 6 people (we only bought 6 chairs- we will pull in our random chairs as needed).  Dad insisted that we get a table that can fit a lot of people (you know how he likes to have people over for dinner😁) and he said that our family will only grow in size, not shrink.  He is so cute!

I have a meeting with the bishopric on Tuesday.  If it is for a new calling, I'm very impressed that they got on it so quickly.  I like having things to do!  I'll let you know what it is as soon as I know!  I'm excited for new opportunities to grow and serve.

Orchestra pianist auditions are this week.  Orchestra starts next week. Here we go.  I'm excited that this is my last year.  I will miss it, but it's about time to move on to other things.

We purchased the tickets for the Polynesian Cultural Center!  We bought the "Super Ambassador" tickets. This means that our family will have a personalized tour guide and reserved seats at all the shows.  We also got front row seats to "HA-the Breath of Life" evening show.  "HA..." is a beautiful story of the Plan of Salvation- Polynesian style.  There is one part in the show when one of the characters is justified in seeking revenge on his enemy but instead offers forgiveness.  The forgiveness part was suggested by President Hinkley (I think it was Hinkley) because in the original production, the enemy is killed.  The Spirit is felt in abundance at this show.  Many people in the audience feel something but don't understand why.  These marvelous tour-guides (all BYU Hawaii students) are also Ambassador's for the Lord. We are so excited to take you all there!

I hope your week goes well.  Please know that we love you and miss you!

p.s.  The rest of the family will send their letters soon.  I wanted to get mine sent right now because I'm heading outside to weed!


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