6/9/19 - Family Letter to Emma

Sweet Emma,
I hope you had a good week.  Sometimes I can feel your joy in the work.  You make me smile!  I love you!
Updates:  I got Granny Glasses.  I only need them for reading.  The Lasik doctors said after people turn 40, it's unavoidable....so here I am.  Tudo bem!  Melissa and some of my other friends got glasses about a year ago so at least I'm in good company...and at least I look GOOD in glasses 😂

I went on an overnight girl's trip with some of my high school friends (and other friends that I have known since kindergarten).  It was great to see them and catch up.  Through hearing them, it made me appreciate you and the other kids, and especially Dad!  We are very blessed.  I realized that I am chubbier than most of my friends (that's so sad because I used to be thinner than some of them).  I'm trying not to place the blame....but Dad is such a great cook!  We went on a few hikes, did a ropes course, zip line, and canoes.  It was COLD!  Weird for June!  They voted me "Most likely to influence the world for good" and "Most memorable personality".  So generous of them!  They said the personality award came from my crazy styles from back then. (Short/long pants and other weird clothes I would sew and then give to them as gifts)....yea 80's and 90's!

Mari did awesome at Camp Jeremiah.  She was the oldest one there and went out of her way to help the little ones (some were still 7 and looked very afraid).  She is such a kind person!  

Our fire pit is done!  Eve had some friends over for a smoke-free experience.  It was beautiful!  I think it will be a good thing!  The salesman at Lowe's (who sold us the fire pit) saw me about a week after we bought it.  He asked about how we were liking it.  I told him we loved how it turned out. I showed him a picture of it.  He got very excited and asked me to email him the photo.  He said he would like to put it up in the store to show how Lowe's customers are using their products.  I sent it to him.  Too funny!

Dad has been having much more success at work!  We know this is because all of you kids are praying for him!  We have asked everyone to express appreciation to Heavenly Father for the blessings and to continue to pray for him.  He has a pretty big review tomorrow and so we will pray for a positive outcome.  

As family church today we made some goals of how we can be better missionaries:
  1. Invite people over for dinner 1x month
  2. Attend the temple (2-3x month for dad and I, and 4x month for the kids)
  3. Memorize "The Living Christ" by the time you come home.  This will be our family Summer scripture study
  4. Individually read the Book of Mormon by Labor Day for a big surprise
  5. PRAY and LOOK for opportunities to share the gospel (I'm going to put "Pray and Look" signs all over the house so we can remember to do it....like "Elf on the Shelf"
We send you our love.  I am so proud of you.  You are a fantastic missionary and an inspiration to all of us.  Keep up the good work!


We pray for your success daily.  We hope you are able to find time to do whatever work you can in your area.  Your current assignment seems to be tailored fit for your skill set.  I have started to get in a little trouble.  Apparently I brag about you a little too frequently.  No one has told me to shut up but the hints have been significant.  It will not stop me.  Really proud of you kid.

Your Mom has purchased some reading glasses.  She has been struggling with reading short distances.  Her glasses look great.  She wants me to get some.  I'm resisting.  We are hoping to get a few projects done this Summer.  We just completed the fire pit.  We ripped out a few more feet of grass, trimmed the trees a little higher, and purchased a propane fireplace.  It has a round top and has a high flame.  Eve and her friends broke it in last night.  She invited everyone over and they resisted a bit until she mentioned it was propane and not wood.  They stayed for a few hours.  We had to get some extra chairs.  Mom and Hyrum painted our wood furniture and it looks great.  I almost killed our lawn.  I tried to spread some  fertilizer and got a little heavy handed with it.  It did not help that I spread some slow releasing fertilizer and it rained for three weeks and soaked in the fertilizer a little too quickly.  We hope it will look OK in a few weeks.

We had cabin workday this weekend.  We did a usual work day but we still do not have water to the cabin yet.  Mari and Hyrum came and invited Logan Bryant to join us.  We had the deck come apart and needed to be fixed, the window by the TV shattered and needed to be replaced, and we attempted to see what we could do to fix the chimney from leaning.  Dean was there for the chimney and was a big help with the other things that needed to be fixed.  I cleaned out the outhouse which took a while and some deep breaths.  Mari was a trooper for having no water at the cabin.  She did not complain once.

We had the Ward Missionaries visit us to make so goals around our Missionary efforts.  We settled on trying to increase our faith, increase our love for others, be better disciples, and ask for opportunities daily.  We decided to this by memorizing The Living Christ before the end of Summer, Read the Book of Mormon before Labor Day, Visit the temple often and invite families over for dinner, and at FHE we will have the kids explain what opportunities they have had.  It will be interesting to see how it all works.

Keep plugging along the best you can.  All the Lord needs is your best.  Whatever you have to offer will be enough.  Love you more than you could know.  More proud of you then you can comprehend.



Mosiah 18:9

What's up Emma!!!!!!
So, I have Man camp from
Wednesday to Saturday,
and then the next week is EFY,
Then the next week is trek!!
So, I'm going to have a very busy June.
Me an the boy's YouTube channel
is doing really weirdly!
How are you doing?


Ola Emma
estava de pé!
Eu tenho tido um leigo tosse estranho.
Aqui está um q rápido Qual é a melhor parte de estar em uma missão?
Papai, Hyrum, Logan e eu fomos até a cabana!
Eu tenho que assistir Duncan e Rocky todos por mim mesmo!
a vida não é a mesma sem você :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
como vai a vida?
amor e saudade



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