6/23/19 - Family Letter to Emma


You have been on my mind all week kid.  I hope your week got better.   It can be lonely and tiresome in leadership.  Many times leadership requires that you find another gear in your stamina.  You have always had great work ethic and have proven that you are a successful missionary. You in your current position for a reason.  You need to remember to try your best.   Don't get hung up on the results, just do your best.  The Lord is more concerned with "your attitude towards the struggle".  You are in a defining experience as a missionary.  Growth does not come when you are comfortable and things are going well.  You have all the skills needed to do what is asked of you.  I spoke with your Grandma about the concerns around your area while you are training and supporting other Sisters.  She said this is a common complaint among the missionary APs and Training Leaders.  They don't get as much time in their area but are expected to get similar number to missionaries who work their area full time.  Just do your best to work your area.  It will all work out.

We have had a slow week around here as we prepare for Trek.  Your Mom is attempting to help Grandma Shea with a sprinkler problem she had.  She has been leaning on her Ward for support instead of calling the family when she needs something.  We are attempting to correct that.  Grandma Charlene has been talking about sending Grandma Shea to a Retirement Community if she can't take care of herself.  This has led her to be very demanding on her Ward.  Your Mom is attempting to get more involved so we can truly assess what needs she has.  It has been a challenge and a work in progress.

We are finalizing everything for Trek.  Your Mom has asked me to assist with the training of the Mas and Pas which has been fun and rewarding.  It has been a challenge to determine where I am needed to help and when I need to keep my opinions to myself.  We are done with our training piece and now we are attempting to implement the plan.  Your Mom is handling it well but I can feel the stress of the committee through her a bit.  We need to be at the church Wednesday morning around 4:30 AM.  I'm tired just thinking about it.  It will be good to get on the trail and start seeing how it will all come together.  Your Mom and I make a good team.  I took her around with me to see what needs to be done with at the buildings and she was able to help me see a lot of plant concerns.  It has been very helpful to see my current calling through her eyes and has been very helpful so far.

Hoping you are having a better week this week.  I spoke with many members of the Ward and they reference your letter and appreciated it.  They said it is helpful to see both side of the struggle missionaries experience.  Keep doing what you have been doing.  Your best is always enough.  Take good care of yourself, stay lathery, stay alert.

Love ya kid


Galatians 6:9

Sweet Emma,
It's been pretty quiet here with Hyrum at EFY all week.  We all missed him.  He is like a strong, quiet pillar in our home.  As he has gotten older, he has become more thoughtful.  When he speaks, it's more deliberate and meaningful.  It's fun to watch him grow up.  Mari has been growing sweeter as she matures.  She is so kind and generous (and definitely a giggly Beehive!)  Eve has also found her voice even more.  It is fun to watch her lead out in the family.  You have been such a great example to these siblings of yours.  I will always be grateful to you for your leadership towards them.   Our family is awesome!  We are so blessed to have a family that loves each other.  I hope you can feel that love every day!  One thing I've learned from your mission is that love can be felt, no matter how far away.

As you know, we leave for Trek on Wednesday.  I think we are ready.  Delle has been quite stressed with all the details.  Brent Wenerstrom tried to tell her that "Delle" should be an abbreviation for "Delegation".  I love working with Delle.  All the Trek Committee are pretty cool!  I feel so blessed to be working in the Stake right now.  It's been nice working with Dad too.  We make a good team.  Eve will be presenting the story about Mary Ann Hoopes Yearsley as part of the program.  Hyrum has been asked to share an ancestor story too.  I'm sure he will prepare it soon.

Yesterday, Eve, Mari and I went to Ryan and Melissa's baby shower.  They are going to name their baby "Hazel".  Carrie did the shower.  It was a "Mama Llama" theme.  The tags on the take-home treats said,

"Not so much a Mama Bear.  More like a Mama Llama- pretty chill and calm but I'll kick you in the face if you mess with my kids"! 

Christie found that....no surprise there!  She got some very cute little girl things.  Christie is excited to have a granddaughter.

Ethan got a new car.  Carrie calls it his "mid-life crisis".  I'll send you a picture.  It's a Mustang GT.  He says his dating life should improve now.  Grandpa said "but what kind of girls will you attract"😂 Grandma Mildred (after peeking in the car) said, "Ethan, you would have to fold in half in order to fit in there!".  Ethan took Mari for a ride and revved the engine.  Muscle Car!  After the ride, Mari was glowing and said, "I think I'm a car-girl!" 

I fasted for you today.  I hope your week went better.  I also put your name in the Temple again.  Many people are still praying for you and have your well-being in their prayers.  I'm proud of you for for being willing to go through all kinds of emotions on your mission.  I'm proud of you for what you are doing, and trying to do.  Keep up the good work.  Heavenly Father knows where you are, what you're doing, and the thoughts and intents of your heart.  I know you have a pure heart.  You were born with that special, pure heart.  It will carry you far.  All we have to do is LOVE the people around us.  You are good at loving people.

I love you Emma!


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