6/2/19 - Family Letter to Emma

HI Emma Hows it going ?
SCHOOLS OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Geuss who I got for my 6th grade theacher.....................................................................
MRS. AKAGI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went to my teachers wedding repression with my friends!!
So my teacher has a brother so Becca  and me went up to him and said
"How yew doing" and winked and blew a kiss it was a dare though.
any way love and miss!!!!

Hey Emma!
I went to the temple,
and summers started!
We're almost finished remodeling
the fire pit, and the cabin's lost the rail. Again.
That's my weekly report. How are you doing?


The kids have all survived the last week of school.  There was not much to do but they all seemed like it required some endurance to get it done.  Mari was the only one who seemed to not slow down before the end of the year.  She got the teacher she wanted for next year and has been in a great mood for the whole week. 

Not much has happened this past week.  I still don't know what my calling requires.  It feels like I replenish the janitorial supplies and report repairs that need to happen.  I keep being told the job is a big deal but I'm not seeing it yet.  Your uncle Matt has been on the High Council over Facilities for many years and plans to bring me up to speed this week.   We are starting the Triathlon planning and I'm still connected to that calling.  We have our last Ma and Pa training this week with Trek at the end of the month.  I get to hand off my EQ Secretary calling this week.  we get to start Hyrum's Eagle Scout Project at the same time. 

We have piano lessons during the day on Monday so I will not be home for your calls on Monday during the Summer.  If I don't hear from you I will get a report from your Mom.  We have been praying that you will get the discernment you have been hoping for.  We are very proud of you and what you are accomplishing



"Casualness leads to casualties"  Elder Taniela B Wakolo

Sweet Emma,
It's been fun to see your Facebook live sessions!  You are speaking Portuguese very well (at least it seems that way...I'm guessing that you are speaking it well because I can only recognize a few words).  It's really interesting to hear your son/daughter speak a language you don't know...you hear them speak with their voice that you've always known, but yet you have no idea what they are saying!  Anyway, I'm really proud of you!

We have almost completed the new fire pit area.  I'll send a picture next week after the furniture is painted.  The new fire pit is awesome!  It ignites with a knob and a button....no stinky smoke.  We also re-landscaped around the firepit with beautiful, colorful new plants and new rocks. 

Right now Jory Gneiting is in the hospital with an emergency appendices removal.  Her appendices was leaking poison into her body and she was in a lot of pain.  Eve and I are her ministers.  Yesterday, the Holy Ghost kept prompting me to call her, so I did.  (Apparently I called when she was going into surgery).  She texted me when she was out and told me all about it. I am thankful that the Holy Ghost let me know that she needed help.  Eve and I visited her in the hospital today and brought her family dinner tonight.  While I was there, Lane was asking about you.  He says he can't believe you'll be home so soon.  He thought you still had about 8 months left.  He wanted to know what your post-mission plans were.  He is studying finance and going to UVU.  He wants to talk to dad about his job as a Financial Planner.  I love how easy these guys talk to people after they've been on a mission.  Lane is awesome!

We went to Seminary Graduation today.  Isabelle Thorpe was one of the speakers.  She did great.  All these Graduations are happy and sad.  I'm sure going to miss these awesome YW (not so young anymore!).  I feel a bit sad for Eve because all her friends are scattering.  I know she will miss those girls. 

I HAVE TO GET GRANNY GLASSES (for reading)😂😳 I picked some cute ones with flowers on them.  They made me giggle when I tried them on.  I plan on wearing them on top of my head instead of around my neck with a cord.  Melissa has been wearing granny glasses for over a year.  They say that everyone over 40 will have to get glasses eventually. I think Dad will have to get some soon.  He's dragging his feet and putting it off as long as possible.

We had a few new people move into the ward.  A few have teens.  The Hanks moved away to their cabin.  The Checketts bought their home.  They have 6 kids, the oldest boys are 14 and 15.  Hyrum invited them over for games.  They get along great and fit into the ward.  Mari has a quite a fan club of little girls that adore her.  She keeps handing out "Mother Sitting" cards (Mother's Helper) and offers to play with the kids for $1/hour.  Mari is also quite a flirt (she has no fear....like someone else I know)  She was very excited because James and Crew came and sat by her in Primary today.  (She told us that there is always a boy-side and a girl-side of the room...but today those boys had courage and sat with her!)  She and her friend, Becca, also decided to flirt with their school teacher's 5th grade brother at her wedding reception.  Mari went right up to him, touched him on the arm and said, "How you doin?", winked, and blew him a kiss then walked away.  This poor boy's family was shocked, and he turned bright red.  Mari looked so cute.  She has been wearing "Power Earrings" (bigger hoop-like earrings).  Eve also wears her "Power Earrings" to feel fabulous.  We decided to let Mari start wearing makeup in January when she enters YW (it's only a few months before she turns 12 anyway).

Eve and Hayden have still been dating.  Once he found out that Eve liked him, he's been asking her out a lot.  He got his mission call to Vanuatu in the South Pacific.  He will go to the New Zealand MTC speaking English.  He will leave mid-October.  We reminded Eve how important it is for her to have fun, but help Hayden prepare for his mission.

Dad has been very blessed with some good calls and success.  Thank you for your prayers.  They are really making a difference.  We are in the process of coming up with some family missionary goals (with Elder Uchtorf's "Guilt Free Ways to be a Missionary" ideas).  Do you have any ideas for our family goals?  Do you have anything you want to be part of our family mission statement?

I love you and pray for you.  I'm so proud of you!


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