6/16/19 - Family Letter to Emma

Hi Emma!
I  had   a sleep over with Sami !!!!!
I also have been a  tiny bit sick:(
like when i watch a  movie or hear some one  say something you say im just like"I miss Emma!!!"
so any way hows life for you?  
Hope its good!
 love and miss


It was good of you to call this morning.  It was great to hear your voice.  Mom mentioned you might have something to share with us when call call in a few days.  I hope everything is going well.

It have been quiet around the house this week.  Eve had Girls Camp and Hyrum had Man Camp.  The only one not camping was Mari.  Eve was struggling to get prepared for camp as the leaders would not tell her who was in her camp.  She was very excited for this camp as all the negative people had graduated or decided not to come.  They bad mouthed the camp the Sunday before and continue to talk negative about it the Sunday after.  Eve was glad they stayed home.  All the girls talked about how much love they all felt at camp.  Hyrum's experience was different.  He came home with a massive sunburn on his arms and face.  It hurt to move.  He applied sunscreen but not enough.  His problem is he is going to EFY with Jacob tomorrow.  He will have to deal with his sunburn and EFY.  He is starting to be a peeling mess as his burn settles.  It should make his EFY experience interesting.

I took Mom out of the night for our anniversary.  I was planning to take your Mom to a very nice restaurant.  In regular fashion she talked me out of it and we went to a Chinese place in Bountiful.  It was good but not something we might normally do for an anniversary dinner.  We found the Centerpointe Theater in Centerville.  We have been told it is the Hale Center of the North.  We saw My Fair Lady and is was really good.  The leads were great and we recognized them from Hale Center performances of the past.  It is a very small theater.  It only had 7-8 rows and a 3 row balcony.  It was far more intimate than Hale Center.  We could see the performers up close and person and they could see if we were paying attention or not.  I could see how the people in the shows would think it is the same quality as Hale Center.  It was not but still very good.  Your Mom let me take to a fancy breakfast in the morning.  We came home and took Eve and Mari to dinner to celebrate.  Hyrum was still at Man Camp getting his sunburn on.

I'm still learning the ropes of my High Council calling.  I took Mom with me as I made the rounds yesterday.  She pointed out all the trees and plants that need to be replaced.  It was very helpful.  At one of the building I needed to replace a light in the women's bathroom and had your Mom act as a look out.  We had a sprinkler that broke and needed to be replaced.  We also had some standing water that smelled horrible.  I took an hour and attempted to move the water to the drain but the drain was not at a low point.  It took a lot of attempts with a push broom to get the water where it needed to be.  I could have reported the broken sprinkler and it might get replaced in 2-3 weeks.  I just took care of it and hoped it did not cause anyone trouble.  After all that I got a text saying the building is all out of paper towels.  It is a learning process I guess.

We are excited to hear about your adventures.  I hope you "Teaching with Dynamics" went well.  We might be able to come up with some more ideas if they are still needed.  Very proud of you.


Alma 53:20-21

Wasa Emma

This week is EFY, and i,m really
 sun-burnt from camp.
but hey, lot of girls!
Then on to trek, 
so, wahoo!
How are you holding up?
You know we can talk to us?


Sweet Emma,
Thanks for the anniversary text and the Father's Day phone call.  I hope your meetings and day went well.  You looked beautiful! I can't wait to hear about your week.

My week was pretty slow.  Summer Violin lessons started this week.  I have 2 new students but I lost 3 students.  Tudo bem.  Hyrum and Mari started voice last Monday.  Mari is working on "Shy" from Once Upon a Mattress and "Alone in the Universe" from Seussical.  Hyrum is learning something too but I can't remember 😂  Because he was gone most of the week I didn't hear him practicing.  He IS learning "Piano Man" complete with the harmonica part.  He is singing more with his playing.  Marilee said she will help him to develop his upper range (because that's where the lead parts are).  Marilee told Hyrum that if his voice stays in the baritone/bass range, he will always play a villian (He was excited about playing the villian!).  Hyrum still really wants to do "Shrek the Musical".  Mari's summer musical "School House Rock" will be performed just after you get home.  She is so excited to perform for you!

Our anniversary was awesome!  22 years!  We've been married as long as we've been single!  Dad was so cute in planning our weekend.  It was really nice to spend lots of time with him.  The musical was awesome and so was the food!  

Grandma Charlene got a job as a kindergarten aid!  She is really excited.  It is at the school within walking distance of her home.  Those little kindergarten kids will love her.  Grandpops will be coming for dinner on Tuesday for Father's Day. 

Sorry not much to report. 

Please know that we love you so much!


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