So we've been having a lot of difficulty finding new people to teach but I have faith that miracles are right around the corner.

Ana Claudia was baptized this week!  She is so special! I just love her and her two daughters. We took her and Cris to the temple visitor's center yesterday and they didn't want to leave because of how peaceful it was. The spirit was super strong.

I got recruited to sing Oceans by Hillsong United at a few baptisms this week and that was so fun. President sent the media secretaries to Tucuruvi so now we have 4 missionaries in our ward. Elder Freire plays the piano so that's been really convenient as we've performed together. We had a few people that cried so that was cool haha ;)

SÃO PAULO IS NUTS! THERE ARE SO MANY PEOPLE. We had to catch the metro and a few busses during rush hour and it was the most stressful thing. At one point we were getting off an extremely overly packed bus and the bus driver shut the doors on my feet and those things are strong. It ripped a good chunk of my nail off. My other foot got stuck in between the doors and there was a lady why was trying to hold them open. I am sure she was an angel sent from heaven because if she wouldn't have been there the pressure would've been so great it probably would've broken my foot and I would've sent me home early. Angels in disguise are real and I'm thankful for them!

I went on 2 splits this week. One with my favorite sassy chilean, Sister Ormeño in Vila Medeiros and one with Sister Francia from Bolivia in Vila Maria. Vila Maria just happens to be Ulisses S. Soares's home ward so that's cool. I love these sisters. They're amazing.

Almedia and I gave a training at our zone conference this week and that went well.

The Lord is so good to me. As my mission is winding down I'm realizing all these little things I'm going to miss. I'm making the most of what I have left and as I've said a million times before, being a missionary is the best thing ever.

I love you all! Have a great week!

Sister Barbie

1) Ana Claudia's baptism
2) On the wall in the visitor's center asking how we can strengthen our faith she wrote, "Study and keep the covenants I've made." I'm so proud!
3) Tucuruvi sunsets
4) Metro at rush hour
5) Temple gardens 



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