2/4/19 - I turned 20 and got an Android

Thanks for all your birthday wishes gente!
My birthday was filled of lots of hugs and parabéns. Sister Bernardo made me american pancakes and vitamina de papaya for breakfast. We were in a trio that day with Sister Letner from my CTM group so that was fun. We had lunch with the São Paulo temple president and his wife and they stuck some candles in panetone for me. That night we had a little party with our recent converts Aparecido, Cristiane and Bea. The package my family sent arrived exactly on my birthday and I have to say my favorite part were the sweet letters from you all! Seriously, they mean so much thank you!
One of the Irmãs from Venezuela, Katariene, was a professional pinata maker before she came to Brasil. My recent convert, Luana, and Phillianias, one of the young women from Venezuela, surprised me by asking Katariene to teach them how to make a pinata for my birthday. They suprised me with the most beautiful hand made pinata ever. Katariene said they worked their tails off late into the night to finish this project. I think it's funny because when I was little I always wanted a pinata for my birthday, but my parents always said they were dangerous. Now that in 20 what do I have? That's right the pinata I've always wanted. ;) Sheila and Presidente Tarso also made me a special lunch and a cake this week. I felt so celebrated. Just to top it all off Sister Bernardo and I went and got pedicures and manicures today. Birthdays on the mission are the best!
Guys this whole tree spider thing was cool at first but now its just nuts. They keep getting bigger! The biggest ive seen is the size of my palm with the most common size being a little smaller than the of the top of a soda can. Imagine dodging all these sticky webs with giant colorful spiders everywhere you go.
Remember that cool refrence project that São Paulo North waa chosen to be apart of? I know its been 5ever since ive talked about this, but this week we finally recieved our smart phones for this project. It's made such a difference. The spirit the church videos bring is amazing. Some of these other resources help us teach with even more clarity than the usual paper materials we use. My favorite part is an interactive app with all the phamplets on it. We love teaching with tecnology, our investigators love learning with technology. It's great!
Something I've been thinking a lot about this week is how every missionary has a choice. They can choose to go on a mission or they can choose to serve a mission. Almost anyone can go on a mission, but serving a mission is a whole different ball game. There is only so much time we have to literally wear the Savior's name every day and teach repentance with the authority He's given us. There is such an urgency in this. There's an urgency to gather Israel before Christ comes again. On the mission you have tough days. Days where you're so tired you can't keep your eyes open, days when it feels like the sun is punching you in the face, days when you feel like you just can't stand to take one more "no". But it's those days when I've felt most prominently the Savior by my side. He knows how hard it is because He's been there too. It's a prividge to not just go on a mission in His name, but to serve a mission in His name. So for all my friends currently on missions or preparing for missions, when the discouragement comes, (and it will come), remember the urgency. We don't have one day to waste being lazy, disobedient, or working half heartedly. The gathering is happening now! So lets get a move on friends and take advantage of the privilege we have to serve in His name.
We're currenly in the finding stage of missionary work here in Aldeia. We have faith and we know through prayer and fasting we'll be guided to those the Lord has prepared to recieve our message.
Have a great week gente. Amo vocês!
Sister Barbie
1) Sparklers on the cake Sister Bernardo made me
2) Trio!
3) Your letters!
4) A better picture of the cake she made me
5) Pianata from Luana and Phillianis


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