1/28/19 - tutopom?

We were heading to an investigator's house in the middle of nowhere and it usually takes us 2 hours to get there. We took a bus cutting the first hour and then walked the rest of the way. When we got there we were 30 miuntes early! I dont know if Heavenly Father teleported us or cut some of the road out of our way or what but it was a miracle and I had no Idea why or how. We decided to knock a few doors. There was an 18 year old girl who answered the 2nd door we knocked. We taught her the Resoration and marked a baptismal date in less than 30 minutes. I know whatever happened, God helped us get there early just so we could find her. Her name is Jackaline and I love her.
We followed a prompting to compeletly change our plans one day and go visit this guy named Jose who also lives at the end of the world. We took a bus and then started walking and the rain started falling. We were walking along the free way (castelo branco) and it started pouring! Our umbrellas did NOTHING! The cars send waves of water over us and a ROUTS, or giant rat, swam over my foot! We couldnt see anything and I fell and cut my knee but we were laughing and when we got to José's house we were nothing but 2 dripping sisters with smiles and smeared mascara.

We had a mission tour with Elder Basset and his wife from the area 70. They gave us a great pep talk and reminded us about how awesome we are as missionaries.

We're teaching this guy who is a famous photographer for comercials. He's hard because he doesnt listen to us because we're 1) women 2) young. but his wife loves us. They've been coming to church for about a year! Anyway, no matter what we say, how we use the scriptures, He always finds someting to try and prove that he knows more even though he spends no time studying the scriptures. Anyway, I think the funnies thing I've heard on my mission so far came out of his mouth this week. When teaching about the Word of Wisdom and he told us "Someone needs to update the scriptures" because in our day exists other addictions like sugar, genetically modified food etc. We love him, and we're praying for him, but like querido, eu acho que você não entende come esta sistema funciona.... kkkkk

Mission life is nuts but I love it. Have a great week amigos! Remember Jeus loves you.

1) view we found after 30 km of walking
2) It was hot and my feet hurt so I was soaking my feet in the laundry tank
3) cute street
5) 10 meses!


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