1/28/19 - Emma Letter to Family

hyrums skit is so cool hes so tall!
mari your taffy looks awesome!
rats are interesting. A giant rat (ROUTS) swam by my foot in the rain this week but Hyrum is awesome! Im gald Eves stuff came back ok
Presidnet is waiting to give us the phones even longer for some reason.... tudo bem...
Thanks for the hurrah for israel! Love that!
I bought fancy sunglasses this week because my eyes hurn and every other pair I bought broke
next p day Im going to go get a pedicure for my bday. waking 25 km each day makes your feet gross
I FOUND PEACHES AND I BOUGHT SOME! there not as good as home but thats ok THEYRE PEACHES!
Ive been helong Kuana and Phillians eiwth peresonal progress because its probably not goingt exist next year. We're in a marathos up in here!
Update: If youre palnning to come pcik me up... some are saying I wont be home until oct 1? It would be wise to call the mission office. Ill ask president too when I can. Its all because of visa and transfer stuff but tudo bem I really hope it works out for you to come!
Love you all!


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