1/27/19 - Family Letter to Emma

hi Emma whats up
life is good here . I'm having a really good time with my friends .
I made some really good taffy with mom .
any way  colds don't go away !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
were sporting you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
love you like an ewok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good news! I actually slept today, and
I feel super happy(so, better)!
Pirates of Penzance is going pretty well,
and school has always been strange.
Love you!!!



I'm happy to hear you are having success.  I will send you a more lengthy email addressing the challenges you are experiencing.  Know that your challenges are common.  I went through a period of feeling things are stale while I served.  i get that now with my job.  You will get through it.  More help on the way int he second email.  You are in a perfect spot with a great companion. 

I'm officially done with my sports calling.  It took a while to hand it over and I might not be completely out of it.  The brother they called takes a lot of vacation in January and February.  We only have two more weeks until the season is over.  I got to watch Hyrum's game from the sidelines.  It was weird but it felt good to finally be able to cheer for my boy.  I have been trying to do some Ministering for the Chandlers by going to High School basketball.  I missed one and Luke had his game of the season.  KSL was there and filmed the game for some highlights to add to the news.  He was the main focus of all the highlights.  It was fun to see him with a pass behind the back highlight. 

Eve has had a headache for a few weeks and her scalp is very sensitive.  The doctor suggested she have an MRI done.  I took her and your Mom to Primary Children's hospital.  Eve's scan came back clean.  I'm glad I went because Mom and I were the only people in the waiting room.  It would have been uncomfortable to be the only one left there.  Like the beginning of a thriller movie of sorts.  Her brain looks OK so we still don't know why she has the headaches.  Hyrum had his first shot at therapy.  They went in an got evaluated by the main doctor at the clinic.  He normally just evaluates and then hand off to a therapist he feels would be a good fit.  He was impressed by Hyrum so much he wanted to keep him.  He said Hyrum feels so concerned about other people that he does not think about himself.  Hyrum has not developed some important preferences or opinions.  He is too concerned about others.  The counselor said he has never met a 14 yr old that was so selfless it was a problem.  We also are wondering if we need to try and get him sleeping better.  He has been complaining that he is not sleeping but a few hours each night.  We might have some new mattresses by the time you get back.  We are also wondering if he needs a pet.  Physical touch helps a lot of people and having something to pet could make a difference.  Relax though, we are trying many other options before we seriously consider a pet.  He is watching the Henage's rats this week.  It still don't know how you love a rat but Hyrum is going to try.

Keep doing your best.  Your best is enough.  You will find people who are ready or they will find you.  Don't put unnecessary pressure on yourself.  You know how to work hard and that is enough.



Conversion  -  Bible Dictionary

Sweet Emma,
Last night/early this morning I was awoken 3x with the same message:  Tell Emma "as a missionary you don't have to SELL them on the gospel through your enthusiasm and charisma.  You only have to present it to them in purity, simplicity and love and let the Holy Ghost do HIS job to convert them."  Your gentle kindness and love for those you interact with will be enough.  Focus your energy on the pure, simple gospel. (By small and simple things, great things are brought to pass). The Holy Ghost will do the rest.  Do small things with great love.

A few other thoughts:
The Atonement of Christ will carry us when we need help.  Christ doesn't take away our trials, he offers to suffer WITH us instead. His Grace will then help elevate us to a place where we can receive greater blessings. Prayer is required of us, not because it benefits our Father, but because it transforms us.  Prayer helps focus our minds and turns our hearts to the source of all strength and wisdom.  Prayer helps us BECOME. 

I hope you had a nice week.  How are the phones working out?  I'm glad you have phones.  It makes me feel better that you can have a way to communicate with people.  I'm hoping you got the emails we sent early in the week.  I thought about sending you something each day, but I don't want to get in the way of you focusing on the Spirit.  I DO pray for you every day.  Please keep us posted on how you're feeling emotionally and physically.  Does your Mission President have any counsel for you? 

If I could offer a challenge to you, see how you can feel the Lord's love for you each day...then write it down.  Nephi (as challenging as his life was) wanted to make a record of his blessings.  1 Nephi 1:1  ....and having seen many afflictions in the course of my days (as you know, he had to leave his home and travel in the wilderness for many years, his brothers tried to kill him multiple times, he suffered hunger, he was commanded to build a ship...without any knowledge of how to do this, plus make the tools to do it with.....on and on!)  nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days; yea, having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God, therefore I make a record of my proceedings in my days..... vs. 20...but behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance. 

As far as "real life", you don't have to worry about that right now, but, for the record, I think you are a fantastic writer.  You do have a gift for writing....and business...and art.....and.......is there anything you CAN'T do?????   I know the answers will come in time.  For now, live in the moment.

This was a hard week with Hyrum's counseling, Eve's MRI, and Mari's sick-day...but, the outcome of each of those was wonderful.  I am so thankful that each one of them is doing better.  I hope you are doing better too.  I know you will have your ups and downs...that's life...but I will continue to pray for you!  Thank you for writing us such good letters.  You have a gift for helping us see your mission through your writing. 

Something that's bugging me:  We started this 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle over Christmas break.  It's suppose to be picture of Santa painting cars...it's the hardest puzzle we've ever done...and IT'S STILL NOT DONE...and it's almost February!  I HATE this puzzle!  I'm so tired of cleaning around it and stubbing my toe on its table to go outside.  I told dad that for Valentine's day I want that puzzle OUT OF THERE!  Dad has been working so hard on it and he just won't give up! It's so difficult because all the pieces are weird/different shaped (some middle pieces even have flat edges...that look like edges).  BLAH!   

Today started Ward Conferences.  It was a busy day of meetings.  Dad had a leadership meeting at 7am.  I was at Ward Conferences at 9-11 and 12-2.  Hyrum was set apart as the Teacher's 1st Counselor in between all that.  After Ward Conferences I had a Trek meeting and then a Violin Trio rehearsal for the upcoming Trek kickoff fireside.  We usually have our "Home Church" right after our church but today we had it later.  We ended up eating dinner around 5.  Dad made some great steaks.  I think Dad cooks more dinners than I do lately.  What a guy!  Anyway, the missionaries came to the Ward Conference youth meeting.  As I saw them walking home, I yelled "HOORAH FOR ISRAEL!" out the car window.  They laughed and waved at this crazy old mom in a silver/brown mini-van.  I love the missionaries...especially Sister Barlow in SPN!

I'm sorry for my ramblings.  Please know that I love you and we are shouting "HOORAH FOR ISRAEL" out of our van window for you.


Warm basketball jerseys from the dryer, Mari’s pioneer taffy book report treats (raspberry vanilla)
The horrid puzzle!



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