12/9/18 - Family Letter to Emma

Hello Emma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nothing new really happened this week. Well,
I guess Alexander's writing group had a writing tournament
in which I placed fourth. also, I don't know if you know what Fortnite is,
but it's a battle royal game in which I am very proud to have bought
the rewards system for this particular season.
How's it going down in the warm weather?
Love from


Dear Emma,
How've you been?  I really really really miss you!
Life here hasn't changed much.

Growing up is hard.  My friend Grace has been sort of mean to me. 

At the Ward Christmas party I won a contest so I got to get in line for food first. I asked Santa for world peace and to get to be in another musical. 
We love you very much.
Lots of love,

Sweet Emma,
It's sure fun to read your letters.  Your personality really shines through.  So may people enjoy your letters too!  People are always asking about how you are doing....and that they like your haircut/color, or that it seems like you are happy and having fun/making a difference.  I really enjoy reading your English class' texts.  I'm starting to figure out a few things in Portuguese.  Most of their conversations I have to put through google translate, but I'm learning a bit.  When I think of you speaking fluently...I'm so proud of you!  You did it!  You learned another language!

I'm excited to hear about your new companion (or as your English class says 'Sister Barlow's new roommate')  Your English class sent a picture.  She looks really nice.  If you still have her at Christmas, you could draw glasses on her stocking to personalize it😊....or not!

Thanks for keeping us informed about the people you are teaching.  We pray for you and them.  Courage to share the word of the Lord is a talent we all can and should develop.  I was reading in Helaman 9 and 10 when Nephi prophesies of the people's wickedness and the murder of the Chief Judge.  When the people find that what Nephi said was true, some esteemed him as a prophet.  As Nephi was returning to his house, the voice of the Lord came to him and told him that he was blessed for what he had done to teach the people (vs 4) "and thou hast not feared them, and hast not sought thine own life, but hast sought my will, and to keep my commandments.  And now, because thou hast done this with such unwearyingness, behold, I will bless thee forever, and I will make thee mighty in word and in deed, in faith and in works; year even that all things shall be done unto thee according to they word, for thou shalt not ask that which is contrary to my will.  Behold, thou are Nephi, and I am God. (It's good to know who we are and who He is!) Then He told Nephi to return to the city and declare his word.  Nephi went right away and did as he was commanded, even though the people rejected him and tried to hurt him.  The Lord protected him. 

I love this scripture because it reminds me to not fear man, but to serve God.  Mental toughness, while maintaining charity to those around me...that's the key!

We had an impromptu family picture taken by a friend of mine who needed to earn some money.  We held your picture in our family portrait. I'll send you the pics when they come.  It was FREEZING!  We did it at Murray Park.

We are in full Christmas mode here.  We decorated cookies tonight.  Mari made an Emma Missionary cookie (see pic).  Mari and I also went on our Orchestra field trip to Gardner Village (pics).  I had a few moms back out last minute so chaperoning was a bit hard but we survived.  I had one boy in my group who refused to sit with the other kids because he hates cheese.  He hates to look at it, smell it, touch it...or be near it.   😳 

Hyrum got a really great haircut.  "The 1950's Pompadour"  he's looking awesome!  I will have to take him to the barber from now on.  He researched this haircut and loves it.  He's one handsome guy!

We put more money into your account.  You should have about $320 in there now.  The bank said you already have a pin# on your account and that it should be secure. 

I'm sorry you were sick.  I hope you are better now.🤢

Dad is lamenting that he only has a few more weeks with his cute primary class.  The Stake also hasn't been able to find another Stake YM's Sports Specialist.  He just keeps on.  I'm proud of him.  He just put together all the basketball schedules.  Games start 2nd week of January.  We will cheer him on.

Trek trainings are going well. Dad and I just finished training the Story Masters. We will start training the Ma's and Pa's in January.  I sure love working with Dad.  We make a great team!  I call him my secret weapon...the reason I can accomplish what I do.  He gives me wings to fly. 

Vanessa taught a great lesson in RS about service (based on the talk about chocolate cake from conference).  She said that sometimes we get a gift (or service) that we don't want....(maybe we don't want Chocolate cake...we want orange or vanilla)  And sometimes we think the service we give isn't big enough... but it is!

Service                     Level 1                      Level 2                                       Level 3
text a friend            text 'Hi'                    text an inspirational quote     send them nice quotes throughout the month
give a treat              drop off at door     drop off and visit                      invite them over for a meal

The point she was making was that no matter the level of service we give, it's all good!  Sometimes we get so overwhelmed in thinking that we need to give 'Level 3' service that we never do anything.  She said that "Level 1" service may be just what someone needs...and our "Level 1" service could be perceived by someone in need as "Level 3".  She said that sometimes in life we can give "level 3" and sometimes we can only give a "Level 1", it doesn't matter.....we just need to serve! 

I hope you have a wonderful week of service! #lighttheworld
Lots of Hugs!


How is the new Comp?  She looks young in the pictures you sent.  You seems to really enjoy your English classes.  We have talked to some RMs who said they used to teach English classes and it was very helpful in bringing in investigators and building trust with the members.  Your Mom and I have been laughing about your attitude towards contacting people in the city.  Way to go kid. 

We are neck deep in Christmas and the Concert Season.  We had a few last week and a few more this week.  Your Mom is anxious to be done with Orchestra for a while.  Eve is performing with her Orchestra and the High School Choir a few times this week.  Busy, busy, busy.    We had the kids from Silverrush drop by.  I made all the girls in the group shoot baskets for dollars.  One of the girls gasped "I was here last year" as she rolled her eyes.  we made the guys shovel the snow off the basketball court and gave the girls basketballs and soccer balls.  They made 26 in 1 minute.  We pay them $1 per made basket.  We doubled it and wrote them a check.  Eve is so busy she is not able to participate as much as she would like.  Hyrum is doing what he can wit Oquirrh Fest.  The family is so busy and the Middle School SBOs communicate so poorly he is struggling to help as much as he would like to.

We had the Ward Christmas party and is was a big turnout.  We sat by the Gardeners and their little girl Georgie fell in love with Hyrum.  She went from mild interest to fun tackling to giving Hyrum a kissing attack.  She would not leave him alone.  it was entertaining.  She would kiss his arm, attempt to kiss his sweatshirt, and then hang on his neck.  It has got me some Primary cred and now Georgie will wave at me on Sundays.  We had the Bell Choir from the High School perform for us.  They did great.  Eve is thinking about getting some friends together and joining the Bell Choir next year.

We celebrated Grandma Barlow's birthday yesterday.  We went to Kneader's for breakfast.  We had about half of the family with us.  We gave Grandma picture of the Jordan River Temple and we all signed the back.  We then went to her home and picked through her D.I. pile.  They are still remodeling their kitchen and have a lot of old kitchen wear they are getting rid of.  We grabbed some of it for you.  It is neat to have some pans from a few generations before you.  We have enjoyed our pans from Grandma Sanders and those who came before her.  Your Mom took us to get our picture taken.  One of her violin students had to drop the lessons due to the father having a change in employment.  Your Mom wanted to do something for them and the mom is a photographer.  It was mentioned to me to be a opportunity to kids the kids pictures updated on the wall but somehow I got my picture taken to.  We held your picture in the family shots.  It will be interesting to see if we keep any of them.  It was very cold.  I took the kids to Starbucks for some Holiday steamers and I think I should have not done that to Eve.  She has found a new way to get warm and it is pricey.

Keep up the good work kid.  We pray for you multiple times a day.  We are excited to hear from you on Christmas.  We look forward to hearing how Christmas is done in Brazil.

Love ya kid


Isaiah 53:4-9


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