12/3/18 - Seja Luz do Mundo

This week has been nuts but I survived peeps!
Voltareli had a bunch of routine medical tests in the Capital so we spent all week on splits working in the heart of São Paulo. It's like the heart of NYC but everyone speaks Portuguese and things are cheaper. When Elder Soares and Elder Ballard came and spoke to our mission they made us a promise that if each missionary made 10 contacts every day our baptism and referral rate would increase. Presidente Ribeiro knows that in Aldeia da Serra this doesnt fly becasue we literally walk in the middle of the jungle every day, BUT when you're in the capital you can make 100 contacts everyday if you wanted to.... and I wanted to! I love talking with people. I always seem to have the best conversations on the subway. There are so many interesting people, each one with a different story. Even if people aren't interested in our message they usually want to hear a little but about our beliefs for the sake of understanding. They want to understand more. I love that. I think when we take the time to understand eachother more our level of respect and empathy increases.
Leticia was confirmed! What a gem! Her aunt Maria came to church for the first time and got up in front of everyone to bear her testimony. It was amazing. I'm sure she'll be baptized here in a little bit. When Angelica was confirmed she was given a blessing with a promise that if she continued faithful the rest of her family would join the church too. It's so cool to see that promise being realized while I'm here in Aldeia.
Speaking of, TRANSFERS CAME! I'm staying in Aldeia and getting a new comp Sister Bernardo. I'll meet her tomorrow. I'm pumped but this ends the days of being called "Filha do Flash, Filha do Bolt, or Filha do Sonic". Voltareli always yells this at me on the streets because I have a tendency to walk fast. It just happens you know.... haha!
I think I caught some virus in the capital and I'm sick... again.... ugh. Tudo bem the members here are taking really good care of me and I'm still able to work. Stupid "gripe"
This is the first week of the Chruch's Light the World project! Each week has a different theme that will help us come closer to christ and serve others this Christmas season. Even if you're not a member I want to invite you to participate! Check out lighttheworld.org
for more info.

Sister Barbie
1) Leticia's baptism
2) New hair
3) Art in the capital
4) My brasillian thanksgiving from last week


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