12/3/18 - Emma Letter to Family

Mari  your snow advestures sound fun. I'm glad you have  new friend!
Hyrum winter watches sounds like the title to a cool mystery book. write it ok? I want pictures of your poster!  The warm winter is awesome! Everyting is decked out is red tropcial flowers and green palm leaves. its so pretty! The lights are so cool in chique aldeia too!

I had no idea about Goiana. yes its far away. I'm just thinking I want something different and maybe Brennan wont be what I want when I get back. He said he sent me apackage. we'll see when it gets here. yes I had a ransdome note before thanksiging package. I got another one for sisters blancos too Ill deal with once I finsish here. I'm so glad to hear youre doing cool things ieht lgiht the world. We are too! Im not the least bit trunky and Im so grateful for that! I  miss you all yes but not so much I want to come home just yet ;)
Mom Sister Ribeiro's hair was half natrually curly and half chemicaly sraightned but she didnt have enough money to get a hair cut so I sneekly gave her 30 reals to go get her hair cut. She's now rocking a natrually curly fro and doenst need a straightner so I kept mine. I think Eve shoudl go darker! It sould be so cute! I have lotes of friends on the mission. None that I really thought about dating after (heart locked for sure) but their examples have made me realized I might want something different. If Im trying to be super awesome and a power blaster in the gospel I want someone who is trying as hard as I am make sense? Its hard to explain. Im glad the family is doing well and is having success! Im glad all the concerts went well too! I lvoe you all! Happy december!


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