11/5/18 - Halloween! JK It's Memorial Day!

So Brasil dosen't have Halloween  but because my area is like a mini America we did see a few decorations. The branch kids went trick or treating and then gave us Sisters bags of their candy. Too cute! I love these kids and they love us.
Luzia and Lucas marked their wedding! It's just a countdown from here. Lucas surprised all of us this week when we arrived and started talking and he says, "Oh yeah and I'll be baptized too." Luzia was so excited and of course we were too ;) BUT he saw a picture of the temple baptristy and got all weird about the 12 oxen saying he was uneasy about these "idols" we're really working with him. He'll come around as he continues to pray. Luzia was talking about how she's going to miss us when we're transferd and go home. Voltareli lives in the same state and promised to come back often. She then turned to me and said "You'll come back at least once a year right?" I explained it's expensive and I have school blah blah blah. She came back saying, "So every 2 years then." I LOVE THIS COUPLE!

Side note: I opened my call one year ago this week. SO NUTS!

This week we had Brasil's Memorial Day and it was so much cooler than in the US. President Ribeiro told us all to go the Cemetery with our Zone and talk to people about O Plano de Salvação and how death is not the end. We went and we sang hymns, busting our acapela harmonies and make peoples days a little brighter. I'm so thankful for the knowledge we have that families really can be together forever. It's one of my favorite things to teach! It reminds me of a saying I heard a few years ago, "A missionary is someone who leaves their family for a short time so others can be with theirs for eternity." It's so true! A year and a half is so short compared to forever. I'm so happy to be apart of this work spreading a message of hope and happiness. All our loved ones we've lost aren't really lost, just partying on the other side of the veil helping further the work in ways we might not understand.
I love my mission gente. I love this work.

Fica firme!
Sister Barbie


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