11/26/18 - Emma Letter to Family

Thank you so much! Sheila showe me a picture of your thanksgiving! Looks great! I went to YW in excellene with Leticia pics on the drive. I'm really feeling like I need to cut things off for good with Brennan but dont know how. I've been praying a lot about it. Wish me luck! The package you sent came on thansgiving and it was so fun to open up the pumpkin spice everything and TURKEY HANDS on thanksgiving! I seriously loved it so much! Volterali and I are really good friends now. Funny how that always seems to happen at the end of the transfer. I'll try to send you all the videos I want to show you next week. I'll see if sheila can send you a pic of my new hair if not Ill put it on the cloud tomorrow when Im at the capla teaching english. I lvoe you all! I LOVE MY MISSION!


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