We had the sister's conference this week and were spoiled to death. We had some great training and they also gave us hair, spa and makeup tutorials. A psychologist came in to talk about stress management and self worth. We got picked up in a van that was as chique as a limo. It was amazing! I love my mission gente. Sister Ribeiro, Presidete Ribeiro's wife provided some great insights. I really want to share more but I'm short on time... again...

I WAS SUPER SISTER YESTERDAY GENTE! Saturday night we had everyone calling us to sub classes on Sunday because everyone and their dog, and their bird, went to the US for Thanksgiving. Anyway I also had a feeling to prepare a talk just in case someone didnt show. I got to the church Sunday morning and sure enough was asked to give a talk. Tudo bem. We split up and Voltareli gave the lesson in Gospel Principles and I taught young womens. It was so fun. We didn't do more only because there was no way for us to be in 2 places at once. Pretty sure we deserve gold stars or something. 

All our investigators are doing great! Thanks for your prayers! I can really feel them!

beijos gente,
Sister Barbie


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