10/21/18 - Family Letter to Emma

All right all right all riiiiiiiggghhhht!

Hows it going down south?
How are the Hills?
I made it to the play offs!
We will hopefully play Jacobs Bingham team in
 the Championship. Your
in our prayers!
Love from


   HI Emma
, What Is going in Sau Paulo?
       Growing up is weird.
We have been praying for you .
my MDT thing is coming up.
I have a book report due at the and of November and I finished it this week.
I'm happy that we're still twinners (haircuts!)   
Lots of love


Sweet Emma,
The "Meet Up" you described sounds awesome!  Kade mentioned something about a "Meet Up" in his letter too (you probably already knew that....)  What a great tool for Brazilians!    I enjoyed 'talking' to some of those in your English class on "WhatsApp".  I asked them who won the cookies for guessing your name.  One guy responded saying he didn't win because he thought your name was "Heather".  He said that you and Sister Voltareli will be coming to eat with his family Saturday.  He said it was a way to say "Thank You" for your time and kindness with them.

About you he said: 
"Don't worry about her (you) she is fine and happy and all of us are taking care.  She is more than OK. Forgive my poor english after all I am learning yet.  Hugs to everybody."  He then asked how I could write in Portuguese.  I told him I used google translate.  He said that when you come home you will have to teach me Portuguese.  He said "She is speaking a good Portuguese now". He said, "You are a very intelligent girl beyond adorable.  Congratulations to you and your husband."  Dad and I put a picture of us on that English class group chat.  Super fun!  I am really loving talking to all these people from Brazil!  The world is so small!

We are in process of putting together your Christmas package.  Are there any missionaries (Elders or Sisters) who won't be getting any love from home during Christmas?  We would be happy to share the love if there is a need.

I was able to "chat" with Sister Voltareli's mom about Sam Jessee.  One of the times he was at her house, he messaged us!  I sent him a message back and told him we were thankful for his service and proud of how he was representing Riverton Central Stake.  Also, we met the Elder from you mission who is serving here in Riverton (Elder Almeida).  He's been to our house twice now.  He's really fun to talk to.  He brought 2 different sets of missionaries each time. (Some weird transfer event).  We have been suggesting they go visit a few of our neighbors.  We also fed them hot chocolate.  He said that this time in Brazil, people wouldn't be drinking hot chocolate, they would be drinking lemonade!

Also, as a family, we went to Temple Square during Fall Break.  We toured the new Church History Museum and Family Search Center.  While at Temple Square we met a sister from Sao Paulo.  She is very good friends with President and Sister Ribiero.  Before her mission she was dating their son.  She said their son goes to school at BYU Idaho now.  She had only been on her mission for 2 weeks but she is loving it.  We told her how we think President Ribiero looks like "Fix It Felix".  She was confused until we showed her a picture of "Fix It Felix" then she laughed REALLY hard.  She said that movie is called something different in Portuguese. 

Tonight we had Chandler's, Jenny and Lon Richard's and Patriarch Tippets and his wife over for dinner.  Patriarch Tippets taught us about Patriarchal Blessings.  We learned a lot of wonderful things. (I'm sure Dad will expound).  The Spirit was strong!  Hyrum told us that he wants to get his Patriarchal Blessing when he has finished reading the Book of Mormon.  Dad was really inspired to invite Patriarch Tippets to come.

We shut down the cabin.  It's always sad to close it up for the winter.  It was especially sad this time because we have some kind of giant rodent living in the cabin. We can't catch it or kill it.  The last time we were at the cabin, there was feces and urine ALL OVER THE PLACE and it had eaten the wall paper off of the walls, ate the candle, ate the ant poison, at the matches, ate the rocking chair (big chunk out of the side) and ate the silk flowers in the bottles on the window seal.  We have to throw away all of the rugs and that cute little stool that Grandma made (the urine soaked into the wood).  Next spring we will have to take the ceiling off of the bathroom because we think that is where it's nest is. CRAZY!

Grandpa Barlow is still coughing.  He still tires easily (but continues to work in the temple...what a good man!) Grandma and Grandpa came to hear Eve and friends play/sing in sacrament meeting today.  Grandpa couldn't sing the hymns.  He just sat there reverently.  Eve did great.  They really brought the Spirit.  That group will be playing/singing that song for the Stake Fireside next Sunday.  The fireside will be done by a survivor of the Cokeville Miracle.

Emma Tolman's wedding invite came this week.  She's getting married in the Provo City Center temple.  Emily Johnson's wedding was this week, Miquelle (spelling?) Arnold's wedding was last week.  Did you know Tayler Horne from our Stake (25 years old  R17 ward) passed away suddenly from blood clots.  Her funeral was this week also.  Her family feels that she was needed to help with the missionary work on the other side of the veil.

We really miss you and love you.  We are proud of you for serving a mission.  I think about you every day.  I pray for you throughout the day too.  Keep on loving, keep on serving, keep on going!  You can do this!  Your service is blessing our family in so many ways.  Perhaps the best way it is blessing our family is the wonderful example you are setting for your siblings.  They love you so much. Enjoy your journey!

Big Hugs!


We have had a busy and eventful week.  I hope you had a very successful week also.  The church is not getting rid of Ward Mission Leaders.  They are realigning the Ward Mission and Ward Family History efforts.  The Ward Mission Leader no longer is part of the Ward Council and instead with partner with the Relief Society and Elder's Quorum Presidency.  If the Bishop chooses and does not have  to have a Ward Mission leader.  He can use one of the Elder's Quorum counselors act as the Ward Mission Leader.  I don't think there will ever be a time that we don't have a Ward Mission Leader.  As far as your companion remember you are required to love your companion.  If you have mentioned it to her I would suggest you try and let it go.  I have found that many times when someone makes an awkward joke they lack confidence.  Try to love her through it.

The Birthday went well.  I took the day off on Monday and took Mom golfing at Top Golf.  As we were about to finish we had four Elders that were put next to us. Your mom took their picture and sent it to their Moms.  One of the Elders was trying so hard he threw his golf club out onto the driving range.  We paid for their time and bought them a few appetizers.  I took Mom to lunch at some Asian Mexican fusion place and then we went to see Jane and Emma.  It is the story of Emma Smith's relationship to Jane Manning. Jane was one of the first members of the church of African descent.  She lived in the Nauvoo house and was going to be adopted by Joseph and Emma before Joseph was martyred.  It was a good film.  It has been along time since we went to a movie together.  Your Mom has no interest int he superhero movies and that is all that is available right now. 

Your Mom has hired an interior designer to help her decorate the front room.  She is excited.  She tried to help Tiffany determine what her style is and she could not tell her.  The decorator noticed we use a lot of browns and is determined to help introduce some color into our home.  Tiffany is excited to find what her style is.  I keep wondering how much this will cost me but she is due.  I will try to stay out of her way.

Funny dinner conversation you might like. Eve: Why don't we ever have brown rice.  Tiffany: Brown rice takes an hour to cook.  White rice takes 20 min.  Me: We are never having brown rice.  Eve: THAT'S RICIST!!   I thought it was funny.  We have some school district realignment that might cause us some problems.  They are opening a new high school in Bluffdale next year.  They are wanting to take most of the kids taht feed into Riverton Elementary and move them to a new middle school and high school.  Mari is concerned that most of her friends will all be going to a new school.  There is an option that will delay a move to the new middle school until after Mari is out of middle school and keep some friends at Riverton High.  We are hoping it will work out for her.

We spent our Fall Break doing somethings we can do around here.  Thursday took the family plus Abbie to the cabin to shut it down for the winter.  There is a big rodent living in there.  The Orsmbys were up there 2 weeks ago and they tried to clean it up but the rodent was still doing it's thing.  It was pretty shocking and I was not prepared to see it.  We clean it up and started a fire.  It was very cold.  We stayed for a few hours and played some games.  We got it all cleaned up and went home.  The Orsmby's told us they took care of some of the cabin close out requirements but I misunderstood which required Tiffany and I to take another trip to the cabin to complete the process.  On Saturday it was almost too warm.  It is always sad to close the cabin.

On Friday we went downtown and visited the Church History museum and the Family History Museum.  The Church History Museum was mainly the story of the Restoration.  It was amazing and time well spent.  The Family History Museum and was fun.  We went to Siegfried's deli for some German cuisine.  I thought the fam might like some unfamiliar food.  I was mostly correct. 

We were able to secure some tickets for the Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert.  Kristen Chenoweth is the featured performer.  Mari is very excited.  We did not get enough tickets for Hyrum and I so we will likely need to find something else to do.  Hyrum seemed relieved.  Hyrum had another football game and he played a lot.  He did really well.  He qualifies for the playoffs which start next week.  He is excited and hoping to play Cob's Bingham team int he finals.  Crossing our fingers.

We had my ministering families over for dinner tonight.  I also invited Patriarch Tippets and his wife to join us.  It was crowded but very good.  I have had a desire to have the Patriarch over for over a year.  He provided us some council around Patriarchal blessings and we peppered him with a few questions.  I have some notes.  Let me know if you have an interest in them.  I recognize this letter is already long and you have limited time on your P-day.

Keep working hard and do your best.  We are very proud of you.  We pray you will have the strength needed to do what is required of you.  You seems to be touching a lot of lives for good. 



D&C 132:29-50

Sweet Emma, 
How could I forget the most important part?

 I know the Savior, Jesus Christ lives!  I know he loves you! I know he is aware of you and your trials and your success and all the joy, sadness, excitement,  frustration, and exuberance you feel as a missionary!  He is your best friend! The Book of Mormon truly is another Testament of Jesus Christ! As I am reading the Book of Mormon with the intent to finish by the end of the year, as President Nelson challenged, I have been underlining all of the verses that speak of the Savior. Almost every single verse is underlined! I am about halfway through second Nephi. I never realized how much the Book of Mormon testifies of Him!   It is a priceless treasure! We should speak of Christ and rejoice in him as often as we can! 

 I love you! 
 Hi Emma, 
 I forgot a few things: 
 Regarding your hair in a bag, it’s completely up to you what you do with it but here’s an idea- You are there in Brazil to serve the people, could someone benefit from your donation? Also, if you decide to donate it, could you include a Book of Mormon with it and an explanation about why you are there in Brazil? 

 If you want to sell it, that is just fine too.  I know you will feel inspired about what to do. 

 I forgot to give you a few updates about me! 
Witching starts this week. I have two shifts at the Moonstruck dinner. I’m not sure what it will be but I know it will involve fiddling! 

I have hired a professional decorator to help me with our front room. I hired Anne Kowallis, (Spencer‘s mom)to help me. She is very kind and has some great ideas. I think I will be purchasing two chairs from Gardner Village for the front room as a start. I really want that room to be beautiful.  I will send pictures of the chairs and some fabric I had in mind for accent pillows. 

My Orchestra got invited to play at the Festival of Trees this Christmas time. The kids are excited!

 We are all working hard to save money for when you get back so that we can go on a family trip to Nauvoo, including Kirtland,  Liberty jail, and Adam-ondi-Ahman.  We also want to take you guys to Hawaii so that we can go to the Polynesian cultural center together.   I’m not sure if we will be able to come and pick you up in Brazil or not. It depends on how many days off of work dad can arrange. It sure would be fun but we will just take it one day at a time. 

 We would love to see your beautiful country and meet some of your friends.     We will have to see what works out.  

 Love you lots! 



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