5/27/18 - Family Letter to Emma

Dear Emma,
We are writing to you from the foyer of the church in Kamas.  We came up to the cabin on Friday and we will leave on Monday afternoon.  The cabin survived the winter.  We only found 1 dead mouse and one live one.  We cleaned the cabin really well.  We also used our new chainsaw to cut logs from the downed trees around the property.  We are cutting squares for another jean quilt.  Mari also brought many craft supplies.  Good times.  We miss you, but the cabin will still be here for you when you return- beautiful and peaceful as ever!

I love hearing about the people you are meeting.  You have so much love to give these wonderful Brazilian people. You write such good letters, it almost seems like we are there with you.  It is remarkable how we can still feel so close to you, even across the miles.  I think this is a tender mercy and a blessing because of your service.  I am so proud of you.  We pray for you every day!

I will send you pictures of some events from the week.  I have to keep this letter short because the others need a turn to write.

Please feel my love for you!  I am sending a "Mom-Hug"!


We are at the cabin this weekend.  We were concerned how we were going to find time to write you.  I'm sitting int he foyer of the church attempting to write you before sacrament meeting.  The cabin is ok.  We found where the mice keep getting in.  We will attempt to fix that hole at cabin work day.  We bought mom a chainsaw for Mother's Day and have been sawing downed trees until the chain lost tension and is no longer in place.  Similar to a chain on a bike.  We will fix it when we get back and try again on cabin workday.  The kids all worked hard and we did a little full cabin Spring cleaning. 

Now that the Celebration is completed we feel like we have time for ourselves.  I felt like a tuning fork that was not done vibrating all week.  I was tired all the time.  I think I'm back to full strength and now get to work on our own stuff.  We will be sawing off a good part of the pear tree.  It has grown so much that it shades the garden.  We are also pruning back the bottom third of the pine trees by the fire pit.  We have a lot of parties at the end of this week.  We talked Hyrum into having a year end party.  It will be interesting to see who shows.

I hope the council we gave you is helpful.  Please ask follow up questions if needed.

Love ya kid


Hello-lo-lo Emma!
How ya doin? I had to do two awkward date scenes in theater.
It WAS awkward! Anyway, I am the publicity chairman for 8th grade SBO.
What were you?
P.S. I'm almost done with that list



How have you been? What's it like being out 2 months on your mission?  Not much has happened since I last wrote.  We love you and miss you.  School is almost out!!!  I love you an miss you.  We went on our slurpee walk and almost got sick.  Everyone was feeling sick after the slurpees.  I can't wait to read your next letter.


Little Emma


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