5/21/18 - Emma Letter to Family

One of the families has a girl mari's age that Im teaching. I cant remember if I mentioned that or not. Shes a doll and I know shed be great friends with Mari.

Did you find my area? I'm living right next to the church. Its very close to the airport.

Doctrinal question: Since the Bible and Book of Mormon overlap does that mean there has been more than one prophet on the earth at a time?

I need advice about how to help people when they don't recieve an answer about the Book of Mormon being true.

Im getting quite the collection of Brasillian recipes from member we eat with everyday. Its the best!

Sister A. Ribeiro makes me this smoothie thing everymorning she calls Vitamina. You would love it mom! She takes an avacado the size of my face and put half of it in the blender with milk and a spoonful of sugar. Its like drinking fluffy heaven. Try it!

This is a really long list, please dont feel like you have to send them all, but package ideas are as follows:
Conference issue of the Ensign, Goldfish crackers, Ziplock bags (They dont exist here. Sadwich size is great) Redvines, Simple face moisturizer, Cetaphil face soap, measuring cups, STICKERS! (Sis Bybee says Amazon has great ones for cheap), Icy hot, Apple cider/hot chocolate packets, Hidden valley ranch packets, Doctrinal Mastery card, (I actually really need this), Cereal (They only have frosted flakes, coco puffs, and fruit loops here)

Mari - My favorite food in Brasil is Acai! They put bannanas, Pasçoa, and carmel on it! So good. I also love Brasillian Strogonoff and Pastels! Im glad your recital went well! Please send pictures!

Hyrum - Thank you for your poem. I love you! Congrats on Eagle of the Quarter!

Thank you for filling me in on the dedication! I can see that all of your hard work payed off and Im so thankful for the pictures too! Ive been praying all week for it to be a success and I can see that my prayers were aswered. Looks like it was a life changing event for many. I have felt the blessings from your service as well. This week the Lord has really helped me see whatI love about Brasil by pointing out how cool of an oppertunity this is. Its a new challenge each day trying to learn portuguese and find people to teach like im finding gold in a treasure hunt. Thats amazing you got to sit in the temple for the dedication! All the members here are so excited for us to have our temple dedicated again. They will look me up on instagram and see pictures of our fam. I caught a glimpse of what Eve has posted for me. Good work!
I got chills reading about the dedacatory prayer and the stories involved. I too love the Spirit of God. Whenever I start to get distracted or down I start to sing that song and it makes me feel better and gives me motivation to keep working. Mom, your conference center outfit looks so cute! You all look so happy and glowing with the spirit! Im happy for you!

Dad, thanks for the language encouragement, it means more than you know. I also read your counsel you gave last week about the struggle anytime I need a reminded that the struggle is apart of the plan.
I know all of our families individaual talentes were needed for a specific reason to help with this dedication. Your orginization skills, moms music, it all was by divine design. Before I went to bed saurday night I laughed knowing that right then all of you were probably watching a movie and decompressing with food. LOL! Nailed it!

Thank you all for your constant support and advice! I love hearing about all your successes! Have fun with all the events this week and know Im cheering you on in spirit! I hope youre able to decompress and get back to normal soon! I'm proud of you!


Sister Barlow


Did you find my area? I'm living right next to the church. Its very close to the airport.
We found your area on google maps.  We found the church and the apartments that are right next door.  We are trying to find a map of the State of Sao Paulo but we are finding it difficult.

Doctrinal question: Since the Bible and Book of Mormon overlap does that mean there has been more than one prophet on the earth at a time?  There are many examples of there being more than one Prophet on the earth at one time.  Before Christ organized His church there was not a "President".  At the time of Lehi the main prophet in the Bible was Jeremiah.  He prophesied that Jerusalem would burn.  So did Lehi which is why he took his family into the wilderness.  There are prophets that are hinted at in the Book of Mormon but are not discussed much.  Likely there were more than one "Main prophet" in the Americas before Christ organized his church in the Western Hemisphere.


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