5/13/18 - Kids Letter to Emma

Yolo Emma! Nós sentimos muito sua falta! (I used google translate for that.) I know we just talked to you,but still.
After the call, we all sat there for a minute and just had a group hug missing you,
and silently praying for your success and happiness. And when dad said that all the beehives went to the umbrella, he meant that it started to rain, and I put the umbrella over them. Soooooooo........................Love you lots!


Dear Sister Barlow,
We miss you a ton.  Sunday nights have never been the same. 
A new girl, Lizzie, moved in.  She's just above my primary class.  I think we will be close friends soon.  Lizzie and I like to go outside and play hide and seek.  I love math right now.  We are just finishing up tests.  There is also a new girl in my school class.  Her name is Avery.  We get along great.  She was shy at first, then she got used to us.  My favorite book is still "Whatever After".  They are coming out with 3 new books.  One is about Little Red Riding Hood.  I don't know about the others yet.  Everything is awesome right now. I get to spend time with Grandma Barlow and Sami during the Youth Celebration week.  Through this whole experience, I've been feeling that the temples are true and the house of the Lord.  I know we will be sisters forever.

We love you and miss you!
Youngest Sister, Mari



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